Mark 16:15
- has God given us an impossible task to perform
- we can do anything God commands us to do - Acts 1:8
- Christians are suppose to bear fruit - John 15:16
- the fruit of a Christian is not love, joy, peace… (these are the fruit of the Spirit)
- the fruit of a Christian is other Christians
- "he that winneth souls is wise"
- why are so many Christians not involved in this most important work?
- we invest our time, energy, and our money in those things we feel important
- if we could see the extreme importance of soul winning, we would make any sacrifice & suffer any inconvenience to keep others out of hell
- it is important because of the peril of lost souls - John 3:18
- any person not trusting Jesus Christ is already condemned
- if life would suddenly be snatched away, he would lift up his eyes in hell
- to the unbeliever, the only thing between him and hell is a beating heart
- hell is not the figment of someone’s imagination (it is a real place of suffering)
- if a Christian could spend just 5 minutes in hell, what a difference it would make - Luke 16:27-28
- it is important because of the value of souls - Mark 8:36-37
- according to Jesus, one soul is worth more than the whole world (the wisdom of soul winning)
- Christians have been bought, now we belong to Christ - I Corinthians 6:20
- only Christ has sufficient resources to purchase us from lose (redemption)
- it is important because of the payment that Jesus made for the soul - I Peter 1:18-19
- no one can fully understand the suffering that Jesus experienced in order to pay for our sins
- those that die and go to hell never pay their debt in full
- just before Jesus died; He said, "it is finished" - John 19:30
- it is important because of the products it produces
- it produces increased attendance
- it produces joy among the members - I Thessalonians 2:19-20
- its hard to find a sad face at a hospital nursery
- the same is true of the local church, where people are being "born again"
- it enables a church to do more
- produces clean members - John 15:2 "purgeth"
- it is important because Jesus said to do it - Matthew 28:18-20
- what Jesus did not say
- because men are lost & will burn in hell, go ye therefore…
- one soul is worth more than the whole world, go ye therefore…
- being saved is the most important thing that can happen to a man, go ye therefore…
- Jesus said, "all power or authority is Mine, go ye therefore…"
- the greatest reason for winning souls is that the greatest Authority has told us to do it
- not to win souls is to disobey the greatest Authority, and to become perhaps the greatest rebel