Matthew 12:38-42
- Intro.
- the scribes and Pharisees did everything they could to provoke Jesus, and now they demand a sign from Him
- their demand was swiftly denied
- what more could He have done to convince them
- the attitude that demands miraculous signs as a condition for belief is not the attitude that pleases God
- He called them an evil and adulterous generation – 39
- we live in an evil generation - II Timothy 3:1-5
- Paul is informing us that evil would be of greater intensity in the last days
- evil is being accepted and promoted by society in a bolder way today than ever before
- verse 13 tells us that "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse"
- What does this evil generation need?
- this generation needs preaching that brings repentance - II Timothy 4:1-2
- an old time preacher had a message entitled "How to preach so as to convert nobody"
- he stated, one way to do this is to talk about sin in general, but never name the sins of anybody that is present
- a man does not truly preach, if he deals in generalities
- vague preaching sounds all right; it offends nobody, and it will take you a long way in this world
- it is in the other world, that we are going to have to give an account
- just because we have a generation of people with itching ears is no reason to trim our preaching to suit their condition – II Timothy 4:3
- the preacher is not an ambassador with the privilege of negotiation; he is a messenger with a proclamation to be heard and heeded
- he is not to give them what they want to hear but what they need to hear
- preaching that brings repentance disturbs - Acts 2:37; Isaiah 58:1
- man calls sin an accident, but God calls it an abomination
- man calls sin a sickness, but God calls it iniquity
- man calls sin a liberty, but God calls it lawlessness
- man says sin is no big thing, but God calls it a transgression
- man calls sin a weakness, but God calls it willfulness
- man calls sin an alternate lifestyle, but God calls it an abomination
- many preachers are afraid to disturb the people, but the Holy Spirit will have nothing to do with a message or minister who is afraid to disturb
- light disturbs, and if we preach the Word, we will preach light "the entrance of thy word giveth light"
- light disturbs because it reveals dirt and disorder
- present day preaching does not save men, because it does not annoy men; but leaves them precisely as they were, without a ruffle or the slightest disturbance
- preaching that brings repentance directs - Acts 2:38
- "a fog in the pulpit will produce darkness in the pew"
- preaching that brings repentance divides - Acts 2:40-41
- this generation needs to see a people that brings respect to Christianity - Philippians 2:15
- we are to shine in a depraved world by a distinct walk
- far too many who profess, do not practice – Titus 1:16
- Gallup poll: "there is very little difference in the behavior of the churched and the unchurched"
- the poll went on to say that "most people's religion is secondary"
- Christians are not respected anymore, there is a great need for saintly believers
- to make a difference, we have to be different
- we cannot change anything by adding more of the same
- the early church was feared and respected – Acts 2:42-43
- the world looks at the church today and sees no difference between them and itself
- instead of making an impact on society, the church is ignored and treated as of no account
- the church is not held in respect today because the church is so much like the world
- the church is entertained by the same pleasures - Hebrews 11:24-25; II Timothy 3:4
- they miss church for the same things the world does
- the church embraces the same poisons - Proverbs 20:1
- the church engages in the same perversions - I Corinthians 5:1
- no difference in our dress
- this generation of saints will have to answer for this generation of sinners
- this generation needs power that brings results – I Cor. 2:4; 4:19-20
- loss of power is the great tragedy of the church
- she stands paralyzed in face of her enemies
- the Holy Spirit does not lack power but only the opportunity in our lives to demonstrate it
- the early church was marked with great power; no foe could frighten them, and no fear could haunt them
- this generation needs to see the power of God demonstrated in the lives of the saints and in the church
- power that brings a changed life -I Corinthians 6:9-11
- power to stand up, power to speak out, power to shine forth
- an appetite for the Word of God and the House of God
- this generation needs prayer that will brings revival - II Chronicles 7:14
- all that God is, and all that God has, is at our disposal through prayer
- the devil can wall us round, but he cannot roof us in
- prayer has divided seas, made rocks gush with water, muzzled lions, burst open iron gates
- the lack of prayer has brought paralysis to our generation today
- our generation will rise or fall on its praying - Jeremiah 33:3
- this generation needs love that is genuine - I Peter 4:8
- "fervent" means without ceasing
- a Christian without love is lifeless and powerless
- this kind of love will cost us something
- no such thing as cheap love
- we can give without love, but we cannot love without giving
- this kind of love will cover many things
- love does not publish another's sins
- how much gossip would be eliminated if we truly loved one another
- gossip runs down more people than automobiles do every year
- where love is thin, faults are thick; where love is thick, faults are thin
- where love is, forgiveness is easier
- man is most like a beast when he kills; man is most like men when he judges; and man is most like God when he forgives
- this generation needs to see Christians that have the love of God in their hearts – I Cor. 13:1-7
- conclusion: we will not serve our generation well unless the preaching, the people, the power, the praying, and the love is present