Matthew 28:18-20

  1. it is a responsibility to teach
    1. we are responsible for teaching two things - Matthew 28:19-20
      1. the way of salvation - 19
      2. everything else that is in the Bible - 20
    2. this responsibility belongs to the church
      1. the church is the pillar and ground of the truth - I Tim 3:15
      2. Christ is the head of a church, and the church is to be subject unto Him
      3. this responsibility is to great for any one person, but a church can fulfill it
    3. a church’s responsibility is to teach the whole world - Acts 1:8
    4. every member is to have a part - I Cor. 12:12-30
      1. the local church is to function as a body - 27
      2. as a body, the church has many functions - 14 (many different areas of service - 28-30)
      3. every member and every function is important - 15-17, 19-22
      4. God is the One who determines the role of each member - 18, 28
    5. if the world is to be taught, then some must be willing to go - Rom. 10:13-14
      1. there is a great need for those who will go
      2. the world must hear about Jesus before they can believe in Him
    6. if the world is to be taught, then some must stay at home and send - Rom. 10:15
    7. throughout the book of Acts we find cooperation among the churches
  2. it is a reason for living - Phil. 1:21 ("for me to live is Christ")
    1. the reason that Jesus came into the world was to seek and save the lost - Luke:19:10
    2. most people are looking for a meaning to life (a reason to live)
      1. there is only one reason for living; to please God & to glorify Him
      2. we can please and honor God by doing His will (fulfilling our responsibility)
      3. by serving God we find a reason for living
    3. suicide is on the rise because people have no reason to live
  3. it is combat with the devil - Eph. 6:11-12
    1. Paul said, "I have fought a good fight" - II Tim. 4:7
    2. Paul told Timothy to "fight the good fight of faith" - I Tim. 6:12
    3. the devil is God’s enemy & he is our enemy
      1. Satan is always fighting and will not quit until he totally defeated
      2. if we do not fight, then we are Satan’s prisoners
        1. a prisoner of Satan does the will of Satan
        2. Satan can hold us prisoner, only if we let him
        3. Satan has no real power over a Christian, only what we give him
    4. fighting the devil is not easy work - II Tim. 2:3 ("endure hardness as a good soldier")
      1. he has many fiery darts, and is constantly hurling them at us
      2. he is slippery, tricky, deceitful cunning & a liar
      3. his goal is to destroy the army of God - I Peter 5:8
        1. one soldier at a time or a whole congregation
        2. he is not interested in a truce, only victory
        3. Satan is a defeated foe; he cannot gain victory unless we let him
      4. we must constantly be on guard - ‘vigilant"
      5. we must wear the armor of God and make sure it is in good shape
    5. mission work is the mobilization of God’s army against Satan’s army
      1. we are fighting for the souls of men
      2. we are fighting for the destination of nations
      3. not every one is on the front line, but every one is needed and has a job to perform