I Samuel 25:2-9
- life is a series of events taking place
- the events of life often call for us to make some sort of response
- the way we respond to a situation reveals a lot about us
- our response comes from the heart and reveals the inner man
- in this chapter we find three levels of response (levels of living)
- we can return evil for good (lowest, meanest, ugliest) - I Sam 25:10-11
- it is hard to imagine anyone being this rude and inconsiderate
- it is one thing to politely refuse help, but Nabal was mean spirited about it
- he spoke scornfully of David as an insignificant man - "Who is David?"
- a mighty warrior ("slew his ten thousands")
- anointed king - I Sam 25:28-29
- vilified David as a bad man ("many servants that break away...")
- he saw himself as absolute lord of all that he had - 11
- this was the same response man had toward Christ
- when Christ came into the world, He went about doing good
- Pilot testified of Him, "I find no fault in Him"
- man hated Jesus without a cause, and cried out for His death
- the lost of this world live on this level (toward both God and man)
- it is a shameful thing when a Christian enters this level even once
- what about our giving to God
- Nabal said, "my bread, my water, and my flesh" (so do many Christians)
- we can return evil for evil - I Sam 25:12-13 & 21-22
- this is the natural response of the flesh; it is the way of the world
- when our feelings are hurt, we want revenge (an eye for an eye)
- Jesus told us to turn the other cheek (not easy, but it is God’s way)
- in this David was not acting like himself
- at other times David remained calm, but now a few hard words cause a fit of anger
- when hunted by Saul, he remained calm
- from Saul he expected injuries
- David was prepared for Saul; therefore, he stood guard to keep his temper in check
- from Nabal he expected kindness
- the hard words took him by surprise, and found him off guard
- importance of the prayer "lead us not into temptation"
- as servants of Christ, we must leave the vengeance to God - Romans 12:19-20
- this is one of the greatest principles in the Word of God
- it is without doubt, the hardest thing for a Christian to do
- the way to promote peace is to suffer the wrong, and let God handle it
- the way to bring men to repentance is to do them good (:heap coals)
- we can overcome evil with good - I Sam 25:14-20 & 32-35
- Abigail could have warned everybody and tried to fight back
- she understood God’s way of disarming an enemy - Romans 12:21
- God used Abigail to prevent David from becoming a murderer - 30-33
- think of the sins we might prevent, if God could use us in like manner
- to live on this level is to be Christ-like
- while Jesus hung on the cross He said, "Father, forgive them"
- God loved us and saved us when we were ungodly sinners - Romans 5:8
- this level of living can only be experience by the children of God (those that are born again)