I Peter 2:4-10
- Christ the "living stone" - 2:4
- a stone
- pictures His invincible strength and everlasting duration
- teaches the believer that He is their protection and security, the foundation on which they are built
- a living stone
- He has eternal life in Himself
- He is the giver of life to all His people
- notice how different His reputation and respect are between God and man
- disallowed of men
- to reject because of examination
- He was rejected and is still being rejected by man
- men dislike Him, oppose Him and refuse Him just like the Bible says they will
- shows how ungrateful man really is
- chosen of God, and precious
- the One whom God delighted in
- a most honorable and worthy person
- chosen to be the Lord of the universe, head of the church, Savior of man, and Judge of the world
- precious in His nature, office and service
- we are obligated to come to this person [to whom coming]
- not by physical movement, but by faith
- Jesus Christ is the foundation-stone of all our hopes and happiness
- He communicates the true knowledge of God
- by Him we have access to the Father
- through Him we are made partakers of all spiritual blessings
- those who want mercy form God must come to Him
- the believers are "lively stones" 2:5
- the Christian church is made of a much nobler material than the Jewish temple
- it is a living temple, made with living parts
- Christ, the foundation, is a living stone
- Christians are lively stones
- together these make up a spiritual house
- this house is daily built up, and every part of it is improving
- there are priest for this spiritual house [a holy priesthood]
- these do not offer the bloody sacrifices of animals
- they offer a much better and more acceptable sacrifice
- they do not have an alter on which to present their offering, because they offer "spiritual sacrifices"
- all true believers have been partakers of the eternal life that is in Christ
- He is called a living stone, and we are call lively or living stones
- we are no longer dead in our trespasses and sins, but alive to God
- all true Christians are a part of the holy priesthood
- they are all select persons, sacred to God
- they are well endowed with spiritual gifts and graces
- the service of the priest was to bring people to God
- the holy priesthood must offer up spiritual sacrifices [to offer up]
- body, soul and affection
- prayers, praises and alms
- the sacrifices of the best men are not acceptable to God, but through Jesus Christ [ Jesus]
- proof of this teaching is in the OT - 2:6 (Ps. 118:22, Isaiah 8:14, 28:16)
- important matters of the faith depend entirely on Scripture
- we should never be guilty of believing something just because someone said it
- Jesus often appealed to OT Scripture (in teaching and defeating the devil)
- the Word of God is the only rule God has given us
- it is a perfect and sufficient rule
- it is an clear and certain rule
- Scripture concerning Jesus Christ require our strictest attention [behold]
- this demand of attention shows us the importance and excellency of the matter
- it also reveals our dullness and inability to see what is really significant
- Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone that God has laid for His spiritual building [I lay in Zion]
- it is a celebrated fact
- the setting up of any man as the head of the church is an arrogant presumption
- Christ only is the foundation and head of the church of the living God
- faith in Jesus is the only way to prevent frustration, disappointment and shame [shall not be confounded]
- application of this teaching- 2:7-8
- to the believer He is precious - 7
- Christ is the crown and honor of a Christian
- He is the one who we boast and glory in forever
- disobedient people have no true faith - 7
- by disobedient, he means those that are unpersuadable or unbelieving
- these may have some right notions, but they have no solid faith
- those that ought to be builders of the church, are often the worst enemies of Christ and the church
- in the OT the false prophets did the most mischief
- in the NT the greatest opposition came from the scribes and Pharisees, who pretended to be builders of God’s kingdom
- God will carry on His work, in spite of the pretended friends and the opposition of His worst enemies
- the unbeliever does not realize the true value of what they rejected [is made the head of the corner]
- Jesus has becomes the cause of the unbelievers ruin - 8
- "stumbling" means a cause for falling
- "offense" means a trap, that which leads to ruin, a cause for stumbling
- Jesus is the Savior of some, and to others He is the cause of their sin and destruction
- He is not the author of their sin, but only the occasion for it
- their own unbelief makes them stumble at Him; therefore, He is become their Judge and Destroyer
- those that are unpersuadable stumble at the Word
- they are offended with Christ, His doctrine, and the purity of His precepts
- they do not like the idea of trusting only Him for their justification
- they do not want to be justified by faith, but rather by the works of the law
- God has appointed everlasting destruction to all that stumble at the Word [appointed]
- those who receive Christ are highly privileged - 2:9
- all true Christians are a chosen generation
- a people that is distinct from the common world
- of another spirit, principle, and practice
- this is something we never could be, if we had not been chosen in Christ to be such
- this is accomplished by the indwelling Holy Spirit, that sanctifies us
- this speaks to us of the grace of God
- God did not choose Israel because they were a great people, but because He loved them
- God has chosen us purely on the bases of His love and grace
- all true believers are a part of the royal priesthood
- they are royal in their relationship to God and Christ
- they have power with God
- they have power over themselves
- they have power over all their spiritual enemies
- they are a royal priesthood, separated from sin and sinners, and consecrated to God
- the officers of the church are "pastor" and "deacon", but every believer is a priest
- all Christians make up one holy nation
- notice that it does not say church
- we have been set apart to belong exclusively to God
- our citizenship is in heaven; therefore, we obey heaven’s laws and seek to please heaven’s Lord
- Israel forgot that she was a holy nation and broke down the walls of separation which made her special
- all true Christians are a peculiar people (a people acquired or purchased in a unique manner)
- why has God done all these things for His children? [show forth the praises of him]
- "show forth" means to tell, declare, make widely known
- God has done all this so that the believer can proclaim the excellencies of God
- this includes all that God is and all that He has done
- all that God has done for the believer has been done for God’s glory
- so that God receives praise, and not man
- to always remain thankful for what God has done, frequently look back on what we were - 2:10
- the people of God are the most valuable people in the world, all the rest are worth little
- to become one of God’s people is a very great mercy, and it is obtainable