Proverbs 19:1
- Intro.
- there is one word in this verse that should catch our attention if we want to please the Lord [integrity]
- integrity is something that should characterize every child of God
- when we speak of character, we are speaking of what someone is in the heart
- when we speak of reputation, we are speaking of what others think of us
- people may affect our reputation by what they say or how they respond when our name is mentioned
- people may have some affect on our reputation, but each of us determines our character
- our character, what we are, should be characterized by integrity
- no amount of ability or personality can serve as a substitute for integrity
- the word "integrity" is a powerful word
- it means moral soundness, honesty, nothing to hide or fear, perfection
- it is the work of God to perfect us
- it is the work of the devil to tear thing apart, and corrupt
- a person with integrity is morally sound, and has nothing to hide
- so many of us are not yet perfected, and what we lack is integrity
- no one can take integrity from us; but if we lose integrity, it is because we gave it up on our own
- we need a revival of integrity in America
- it should begin in the church among God’s people
- our crisis is not just a crisis of conduct, it is a crisis of character
- the cause of Christ suffers reproach because of a lack of character
- many people are laughing at leaders that should be looked up to
- we have traded holy living for the pursuit of happiness
- many Christians are sadly lacking in integrity
- Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth - Matthew 5:13
- the chemical makeup of salt is not lost, but the power is lost when it becomes mixed with other ingredients
- as salt of the earth, we are to be the preserving influence of righteousness and holy living (integrity)
- the testimony of God concerning Job is that he was a man of integrity - Job 2:1-3
- integrity is a choice
- honesty is not the best choice for a man of integrity, it is the only choice
- integrity is not just for the minister; it is for every child of God
- with all the scandals in the media about Christians, its no wonder the cause of Christ suffers reproach
- we need a revival of integrity
- if we have integrity, we will always know what is right to do - Proverbs11:3
- those who practice situation ethics live in a state of turmoil (they never know what is right)
- this crowd is going to end in destruction
- God says it is better to have integrity than to lie your way through life
- being a person of integrity is its own reward
- we can sleep better at night
- our conscience will not constantly bother us
- integrity will guide us
- in the midst of suffering, Job stated that he would be a man of integrity as long as he lived - Job 27:1-5
- Job knew that God saw everything he did, we cannot fool God - Job 31:4
- how do we get integrity?
- integrity comes from knowing God - Job 2:3 [my servant]
- integrity does not come from knowing about God, but from knowing Him
- we can fake it, but there is no substitute for knowing Him
- knowing the Lord in Savior
- know that we are saved
- know with peace and assurance that our heart and life belong Jesus Christ
- knowing God in daily communion with Him
- When God said that Job was His servant; He meant that Job knew Him, and was living for Him
- integrity comes from fearing God - Job 2:3 [one that feareth God]
- why should a person do right? - because he fears God
- not because he is afraid of catching AIDS
- not because he is afraid of getting caught in a lie
- not because his parents might catch him
- many people try to weaken the idea of fearing God
- many speak of fear as being reverential respect
- that we should respect Him as we do one of our elders
- how ridiculous, we are talking about the God of heaven and earth
- He created all things
- He made us from the dust
- we are talking about our Creator, not some weak thing that is unable to cope with the problems of our world
- our God sits on the throne of the universe, and has everything under His control
- integrity comes from fearing God, do you fear Him
- we are all personally accountable to God
- when our life on this earth is over, we will stand before Him in judgment
- not our parents
- not our pastors, teachers, or deacons
- we can be thankful for leaders that help us, but never forget that we are personally accountable to God
- integrity comes from living for God - Job 2:3 [escheweth evil]
- "escheweth" means to turn aside, to remove one’s foot from the path of evil
- everyday we must make decisions
- biblical separation is separation from the world and separation unto the Lord
- holy living is living not to be seen of men but because it is right
- the first step on a path in the wrong direction may look inviting, but think of where it leads
- Job was a man of integrity, even in the harsh circumstance of life, because he
- knew God
- feared God
- lived for God
- therefore he had integrity (moral soundness)
- Conclusion
- integrity cannot be taken from us, it must be voluntarily surrendered
- in this day of integrity crisis, remember that character does count
- as a nation we are laughing our way to hell in a parade of people without integrity