I John 1:1-4
- Intro.
- does life ever seem uninteresting, or an endless routine, or an endurance contest
- is it possible to have real joy
- not just a momentary thrill
- is it possible to have a deep, personal satisfaction and joy
- the Bibles answer is a definite "yes" I John 1:4
- we need an experience I John 1:1
- a word that summarizes this verse is "experience"
- John is saying that he had an experience with Jesus Christ
- he heard
- he saw and examined closely [looked upon]
- he handled
- this experience brought a newness of life to John (salvation and joy)
- his sins were forgiven
- he got a new relationship with God
- until he met Jesus, he was lost and hell bound
- we cannot have the same physical experience with Christ, but we can have a spiritual experience with Christ
- God has given us the Bible so that we can experience Him much like John did
- we can know Him as God who came in the flesh
- we can know Him as the One who died for our sins
- we can know Him as the One who rose from the dead, and is alive right now, interceding for us
- by prayer we can talk to Him
- the Bible invites us to come to Jesus: repenting and trusting Him as Savior
- when we do, Jesus comes into our life what an experience
- we wont hear voices or see visions
- by trusting Jesus as Savior, we will have as great an experience as John did
- this is the beginning place for real joy
- we need to bear witness I John 1:2
- just because we have trusted in Jesus as Savior, does not mean that our joy will never fade
- there is joy in knowing Jesus as personal Savior
- there is a joy which can last, but few Christians experience it
- the key words in this verse are "bear witness"
- in this verse we see the proper order of things
- first the experience, then the witness
- this is the order in all of life, including spiritual life
- when we have an experience, the most natural thing to do is tell someone about it
- we need to have fellowship I John 1:3
- John declares these things to us, who have not seen, so that we might have fellowship
- when we say fellowship, what does the average church member think
- coffee and donuts, pot luck meals, or pizza parties
- this is the shallow and carnal Christians view
- "fellowship"
- to have in common
- to share, sharing in common, partnership
- refers to a mutual sharing of spiritual things
- kinds of fellowship
- with other Christians
- with Christ and the Father
- fellowship with believers
- sharing our spiritual needs and joys
- praying together, witnessing together, serving together
- sharing our material goods
- fellowship with God
- how can we share with God
- share everything we have
- share everything we are
- share everything we think
- the best place to begin this fellowship is in verse 9 [confess our sins]
- some people think we have to be perfect to fellowship with God
- if this were true, no one could have any fellowship with Him
- we dont have to be perfect, just honest
- if we want fellowship with God, we must share our sins with Him
- we must admit that we are sinners
- we cannot hide our sins, not cover them up
- we must come to Him, and openly acknowledge them
- when we share with God, He shares with us (forgiveness and cleansing)
- this is fellowship with God a mutual sharing
- other things to share
- our problems
- God wants us to share our problems with Him I Peter 5:7
- when we do, He begins to share His plan for dealing with the problem and also His power
- this is fellowship with God a mutual sharing
- our successes
- some people only go to God when they are in trouble
- God wants us to share with Him when things are going well
- when we share with Him our success, He begins to share with us His sovereignty He lets us know that He was the cause of our success
- this is fellowship with God a mutual sharing
- by fellowshipping with God, we get to know God better
- to have fellowship with God, we need to take everything that comes our way and share it with God
- it will not take all the problems out of our life
- it will take a lot of the pressure off
- it produces a deep, real, inner, lasting joy
- joy is the result I John 1:4
- "these things write we unto you" what things
- his experience with Jesus Christ
- his bearing witness of that experience
- his fellowship
- his purpose for writing these things [that your joy may be full]