Matthew 14:22-33

  1. Intro.
    1. Peter probably never saw himself as having "little faith"
      1. those who think they are strong in faith will soon face circumstances to prove it
      2. all that glitters is not gold; all that speak bravely is not faith
      3. Peter had strong faith in the ship and on the water, but then the wind came
    2. experience is the true gauge of our faith
    3. those who boast of in an untried faith are puffed up with vain glory
    4. lesson of text: we are not as strong as we think we are
    5. in Peter’s character there is a mixture of strength and weakness
      1. he rose to excellence, then sank to littleness
      2. we are made of the same material as Peter
    6. Peter’s unbelief is not to be justified, nor used as an excuse for our unbelief
      1. Peter could not answer the Lord’s question, "wherefore didst thou doubt"
      2. his doubting had no ground or reason
      3. the truth is: Christians have no reason for doubting the Lord
    7. as we consider our text, may it help our faith to be strengthened
  2. the nature of little faith
    1. little faith has great longings - 28 [bid me come unto thee]
      1. he had a great desire to be with the Lord, but why could he not wait?
      2. strong faith has patience were little faith is usually in a hurry
      3. strong faith will stay faithful at the present duty, and wait for the coming of the Lord
    2. little faith is daring - 28 [come unto thee on the water][was come down out of the ship- 29]
      1. these are big word, but they come from a trebling heart
      2. little faith can be a true hero when the Lord says, "come"
    3. little faith can accomplish great wonders - 29 [he walked on the water]
      1. the Lord gives strength even when we are weak in faith
      2. it was his little faith that enabled him to walk on the water
    4. little faith is prone to look away from the Lord - 30
      1. Peter was alarmed because he had overlooked the fury of the wind
      2. his faith had reckoned with the water - 28
      3. he had forgot about the wind, and it became a trial he was unprepared for
      4. when he saw the wind, he forgot the words of Jesus, "it is I, be not afraid"
      5. this is the danger of little faith
    5. little faith began to sink - 30
      1. he had no power to save himself
      2. even his natural ability failed when his faith failed (why did he not swim)
      3. "beginning to sink" is a terrible condition; little faith never counted on this
    6. little faith knew how to pray - 30
      1. he was unable to get to Jesus on the water, but he knew how to get to Jesus by prayer
      2. his faith was not what it ought to be, but it was where it ought to be
      3. his cry was to Jesus alone, not his friends on the boat
      4. his prayer was short, but it was full of meaning
        1. it expressed his need for help
        2. it proved his faith in the Lord’s ability and desire to save him
      5. little faith did get an answer to prayer
  3. why Jesus acknowledged the little faith
    1. little faith is true faith
      1. Jesus did not say that Peter had no faith
      2. it brought both comfort and shame as Jesus acknowledged his faith
      3. sometimes we may long to have this assurance spoken to us
    2. his little faith stood on solid ground: Jesus Christ
      1. so strong is the ground of little faith that Jesus ask, "wherefore didst thou doubt"
      2. there are many good reasons for faith, but what reason do we have for doubting
      3. when we cast ourselves on Jesus, we do the right thing
      4. His promises will never be outdone by our faith
    3. Jesus acknowledged Peter’s faith because it ventured all for Him
      1. Peter risk his life and Jesus recognized that fact
      2. they that risk all for Christ will not be disappointed
  4. the deliverance that comes from little faith
    1. it comes wholly from the Lord - 31
      1. Peter did not get himself out of trouble, nor did his friends save him
      2. in time of need, God will prove His power to help
      3. when we have a clear sense of our own weakness, then will God display His power
      4. none of God’s children will go beyond the "beginning to sink"
    2. it was immediate - 31
      1. when there is a need, God will not delay nor be late
      2. man may be near death, but still live
    3. "Jesus stretched forth His hand" - 31
      1. our perils produce the reason for God to stretch out His hand
      2. God will not do for us, what we can do ourselves
    4. "caught him" - 31
      1. Peter was secure in the hands of Jesus
      2. for Peter to sink any further , Jesus must sink also (He would not let loose)
      3. these are the times when God is nearest
  5. the rebuke of little faith - 31
    1. it was a gentle rebuke
    2. it is an unreasonable thing for a believing man to doubt his God
      1. if we believe, why doubt; if faith, why little faith?
      2. to doubt is to make a mountain out of a mole hill
    3. doubts are dishonoring to our Lord
      1. it brings God’s love, power, wisdom, and grace into question
      2. we can doubt anything in this world, but never doubt Christ
    4. doubting is inexcusable
      1. unbelief is sometimes caused by ignorance (of God or His Word)
      2. unbelief is caused by forgetfulness (the past mercies of God)
      3. the Lord has already done more for us than He will ever have to do in the future (salvation)
      4. we are almost home, why tremble now?