Deuteronomy 27:17
- Intro.
- "landmark" means a boundary
- a stone or pile of stones that marked the four corners of a persons property
- these landmarks could be moved
- in the stillness and darkness of the night
- by doing so a person could enlarge his own property
- this had to be done gradually over a period of time
- God hated this act so much that He pronounce a curse on those that did it
- let us consider several Christian landmarks and see if they have been moved
- landmark of the Lord’s Day
- Christians are not to observe the OT Sabbath
- the Sabbath was for Israel - Exodus 31:12-17
- it was a sign of a special covenant between God and Israel
- its observance was not commanded prior to the law
- its observance was never required of the Gentiles
- no evidence that the OT patriarchs observed them (Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph)
- it was a new teaching and it was only for Israel
- the Bible makes a clear distinction between the OT Sabbath and the NT Lord’s Day
- it was the day Jesus rose from the dead
- it is a day of fellowship - Revelation 1:10
- it is the day that we are to bring our tithes and offerings unto the Lord - I Cor. 16:2
- it is a holy day set forth by God as a day of worship - Acts 20:7
- what the Lord’s Day has become
- a holiday instead of a holy day
- a work day instead of a day of worship and fellowship
- many people keep the Lord’s Day only if they have nothing else to do
- people that do not keep the Lord’s Day have moved an ancient landmark (traded a curse for a blessing)
- keeping the Lord’s day will determine the extent of God’s blessings in our life
- this landmark will determine the destiny of our children
- if children are not taught to attend worship services faithfully, they will get away from it
- children can be the greatest source of blessing or sorrow
- God has set this day aside for Christians; it is a landmark, don’t move it
- landmark of the home
- this is a very important landmark
- God established it before He established the church
- God ordained it and put His stamp of approval on it, in the very beginning - Genesis 2:21-25
- by this act God established marriage and the home - 23-24
- then they began to have children
- this is God’s design for man (the Christian home)
- God’s purpose for the home
- to teach the Word of God - Deuteronomy 6:6-7
- many view the Christian school as a way to avoid this responsibility (the church also)
- it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children spiritual truth
- to correct the disobedient child
- discipline is lacking in many home today
- the reasons our jails are running over
- the home life in this country has changed
- dad and mom must serve God together
- the home is the place where a good example is set
- in the Bible we often read of how the character of the father is imitated by the children
- parents need to show their faith to their children
- love is an essential part of the home
- discipline is one important way of showing love
- some people say it is brutality
- a child that does not receive discipline will grow up and rebel against all authority
- young people will accept discipline where there is love
- God has a promise for those that will raise their children according to His plan - Proverbs 22:6
- the home is a landmark, don’t move it or you will be cursed
- landmark of Christian living
- personal devotion
- old fashion, Bible Christian had a personal devotion for God that was even practice in private
- early Christians had private prayer
- early Christians lived in the Word of God
- this is something God will honor
- living our faith is a landmark, don’t move it or be cursed