Luke 7:36-50

  1. Intro.
    1. the three people in our text are representatives of Divine love and all its operations in the world
      1. it shows how Divine love is received or rejected
      2. it speaks of the causes and consequences of its reception or rejection
    2. we see how the Divine love comes and is received
      1. Jesus, the love of God appearing among men
        1. a manifestation of Divine love, knowing each, pitying each, loving each
        2. willing to save and be a friend and brother to each
      2. the woman, a repentant sinner, lovingly recognizing the Divine love
      3. the Pharisee, a self-righteous man, ignorant of self and empty of all love to God
  2. Jesus Christ, the manifestation of Divine love coming forth to sinners ("a certain creditor" - Luke 7:41)
    1. this love is not the result of our merit
      1. in the parable, Jesus said, "he frankly forgave them both" - Luke 7:42
        1. to show someone favor
        2. to give or bestow a thing willingly
        3. to pardon
      2. the bases of God’s love does not lie within us, nor in anything about us
      3. He, and He alone, is the cause, reason and motive for loving us
      4. the nature of divine love is that it must be continually poured out forever and ever - "God is love"
    2. this love is not turned away by our sins - Luke 7:39
      1. a holy & a self-righteous being have difference in attitudes concerning a sinful creature
        1. the one had only contempt, and the other only pity
        2. Jesus knew what she was, and therefore let her come close to Him
      2. how did Jesus’ knowledge affect His love for her?
        1. it made His love more gentle and tender
        2. it smoothed His face and softened His tones
      3. Divine love does not turn away from us because we are sinners
        1. it is always there, continually drawing us to repentance
        2. sin is like a cloud, behind which the light of Divine love lies
          1. it is unaffected by the cloud (it is always shining and warming)
          2. the love of Christ shines on and melts the fog, finally it breaks through to the heart of man
        3. the everlasting love of God will never be quenched by man’s sin
    3. this love manifest itself in the form of forgiveness - Luke 7:48
      1. when the love of God comes into this sinful world, it must first come as forgiving mercy
        1. this is the only way there can be union between the God, and sinful man
        2. sin has made us spiritually dead, only the loving forgiveness of God can make us alive
      2. when we speak of forgiveness, we mean that man’s position in regard to the penalty of sin is altered
        1. it includes far more than the removal of outward penalties
        2. it includes the removal of the sin
      3. the first word that the love of God speaks to sinful man is "pardon"
        1. God’s love must deal with the fact of sin first
        2. God’s love has nothing to say to a man until it has said "forgiven"
    4. this love demands service - Luke 7:44-46
      1. Jesus was saying that He desired and expected these things from Simon (from us also)
      2. Simon did not give these things, thus the love of Jesus was disappointed
      3. after all that has been said about the free & unmerited love of God, it is also true that God expects a similar response from the heart of man
  3. the repentant woman who lovingly recognizes the divine love
    1. our text reveals the character of the woman - Luke 7:47
      1. some misinterpret this verse by saying that the forgiveness is the result of her love
      2. what Jesus means is that her love is the proof of her forgiveness
        1. her sins which are many are forgiven, and the proof is in her love
        2. her love was the result of her forgiveness
        3. she was saved by faith - Luke 7:50
    2. all true love to God is preceded by a sense of sin and an assurance of pardon
      1. love is not possible if we do not belief in our own sinfulness
      2. love comes from a thankful reception of forgiveness
      3. we do nothing to get a pardon, but unless we have the pardon, we can have no love to God
      4. some people have feelings of gratitude, and see God as the source of all blessings, yet they have not real love for Him
        1. their object of love is not God, but a fragment of God
        2. your God is not the God of the Bible, unless He is a God of love and a God of strict & rigid justice
      5. there can be no real love, unless we have cast ourselves at His feet for mercy & received forgiveness
    3. all real love is followed by faithful service - Luke 7:37-38
      1. the pattern that is followed: guilt, forgiveness, love, service
      2. it may have been little she could do, but her full heart demanded expression
      3. the deeds were spontaneous, they were not drawn out be force or command
    4. we are different from each other in all respects but one - "all have sinned"
      1. we all need the love of God, and it is offered to us all
      2. the love of God is lying at your door, take it and be at rest
  4. the unloving and self-righteous man, who was ignorant of the love of Christ
    1. this man was just the opposite of the woman
      1. he was respectable in life, rigid in morality
      2. orthodox, intelligent, and high up in the ranks of Israel
    2. what is it that made this man’s morality & orthodoxy a piece of dead nothingness?
      1. there was no love in it
      2. love is the foundation of all obedience
      3. obedience without love is a yoke of bondage
      4. morality without love is the most contemptible thing on earth (attitude toward woman)
    3. the Pharisee was content with himself
      1. there was no sense of sin in him
      2. there was no recognition of Christ’s love and forgiveness within him
      3. there was no love to Christ within him
      4. love follows forgiveness
  5. conclusion
    1. God loves you, how much do you love Him
    2. "to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little"