Matthew 27:33-36

  1. Intro.
    1. God has chosen to reveal Himself to man in many different ways
      1. through the creation of the world He reveals His power
      2. through the flood He revealed His wrath
      3. through His life He revealed His character( I find no fault)
      4. through the cross He reveals His dying love for mankind
      5. "And sitting down they watched him there" – Matthew 27:36
    2. some thoughts concerning the Lord’s death
      1. if He was just a man He was murdered, if He was God in the flesh He was a offering
      2. if He was just a man He was martyred, if he was God He was sacrificed
      3. if He was just a man they took His life, if He were God He laid it down
      4. if He were just a man He deserves our admiration, if He was God He deserves our adoration
      5. if He was just a man we should stand up and pay our respect, if He is God we should fall down and give Him our hearts
    3. who watched Him
      1. the priest, the crowd, but more than anyone else the soldiers who had nailed Jesus to the cross
      2. soldiers are often called upon to do things that other people would not do
      3. these soldiers had been called upon to drive the nails into our Lord’s hands and feet
      4. after they nailed Him to the cross, they were to watch him
        1. to make sure no one interfered, to make sure no one tried to get him down
        2. it was to prevent any attempt on the part of his disciples to rescue Him
        3. so they watched him; fully armed, swords by their side, spears and shield close by
    4. they saw all that happened, they heard all that was said
      1. the words of the crowd and the words from the cross
      2. these men had a ring-side seat to the greatest event in history
      3. it was a horrible event, but necessary for our salvation
  2. men have seen Jesus from many angles
    1. many sat and watched Him teach the multitudes, as they heard the words of wisdom and truth flow from His mouth they replied, "Never man spake like this man" – John 7:46
    2. many sat and watched Him minister to the diseased
      1. they saw him give strength to the palsied, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf
      2. they saw him cleanse the leper and make the lame to walk
      3. as they watched, they were forced to say that no one could do such mighty works except God were with Him – John 3:2
    3. many sat and watched Him as He showed Himself master over natures forces
      1. they heard Him cry out, "Peace be still" to the mighty winds and mountainous waves
      2. with their own eyes they beheld this great calming of the sea
      3. as they watched they were forced to say, "What manner of man is this" – Matthew 8:27
    4. many saw Him sit and eat with publicans and sinners
      1. they saw Him speak gracious words of forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery, and the cheating publican
      2. they were forced to say, "This man receiveth sinners" and cares for them – Luke 15:2
    5. all these give us exciting views of Christ, but none reveal to us the great view that was seen by the soldiers at the foot of the cross
      1. every view of Jesus is wonderful, but the view from the foot of the cross is the best
      2. it is on the cross that we see Him in all the glory of His sacrificial love
  3. what did they see as they watched Him
    1. they saw His courage – Matthew 27:34
      1. courage is something a soldier is quick to notice
      2. it was a Jewish custom to offer victims, who were about to be crucified, a potion of medicated wine
      3. this potion would deaden their senses and lessen their agony
      4. when it touched His lips and He realized what it was, He refused it (why)
        1. He tasted death for every man - Hebrews 2:9
          1. He got the full flavor of it, He knew the desolation and horror of it
          2. He would not hide from a single pain, therefore He would not drink the potion
        2. He still had work to do
          1. there was a thief that needed to be saved right beside him
          2. all the way to the end, Jesus was seeking sinners
          3. if He had been drugged, He would have been unable to save the dying thief
    2. they saw His compassion (love)
      1. as hard and callused as these men were, they had to notice the love of Jesus
      2. these men had probably witnessed many executions, and had become accustomed to hearing the victim cry and scream and curse and blaspheme
      3. the two thieves behaved as expected, but not Jesus
      4. He never opened his lips, He remained silent until he spoke the words of forgiveness - Luke 23:34
      5. He prayed for the men rather than curse them
      6. we can see in the cross a love that the soldiers did not see
        1. we see Him stooping to bear our sins and die our death
        2. we see love taking our place that we might be released from the bondage of sin
    3. they saw His conquest (triumph)
      1. Jesus did not die in the ordinary way as he hung on the cross – Luke 23:46
      2. these words were not whispered in a quiet tone, He uttered these words with a loud voice, as one who still had plenty of life
      3. these soldiers saw Him bow His head and give up His spirit
        1. they had never seen anyone die like this before, He chose His own time – John 10:18
        2. Jesus is the only man in history who chose to die
          1. what about those who have taken their life
          2. they chose when to die
      4. death for Jesus was a triumph
        1. over Satan - Genesis 3:14 –15
        2. over sin (Man's sin, not His own)
    4. "They watched him there" what were they doing
      1. they began this vigil by laughing, joking and gambling
      2. now they are in awe as they see the Son of God die – Matthew 27:54
    5. sitting there they watched him, what did they see, they saw enough to convince them that Jesus was the Son of God
  4. what do you see when you look at the cross
    1. a Savior's love - John 15:13
    2. a sinner's friend, and a saint's Lord
    3. if you look long enough you'll see your sins because Jesus bore them
    4. you'll see the only way to be saved
    5. if you are saved, you will see …
      1. the one you serve with all your heart
      2. One you have strayed from, and He is looking down from glory and wants you to return
    6. don't just look at Jesus, live for Jesus
      1. make Him your Savior
      2. Christian, make Him your Lord