I Kings 18 (1-8,16-24)

  1. Intro.
    1. this chapter shows us the road to revival
    2. in chapter 17, Elijah, a solitary and rugged prophet of God, came on the scene to announce a 3 year drought – 17:1
      1. then he hid himself at God’s command by the brook Cherith – 17:2-3
      2. in chapter 18, he shows himself again by the command of God, to Ahab
      3. it would be well if every Christian hid first at Cherith before appearing at Carmel
      4. then there would be fewer failures and more fire falling from above
    3. Elijah’s second appearance before Ahab finds famine in Samaria – 18:2
      1. we are living in a spiritual famine today
      2. there is a need for a prophet of God to come from God’s hiding place
      3. there can be such a man in any age if they are willing to pay the price
      4. Elijah was no superman, he was subject to like passions as we are, but he prayed earnestly
      5. he could pray down both fire and water, and we need both today
        1. fire of power and showers of blessing
        2. we are all so busy hurrying here and there, that we would not ever dream of staying awhile at Cherith
          1. we efficient and quantity producing Americans would call it "a waste of time"
          2. we hustle around trying to do things for God before we have allowed Him to do things for us
          3. "he who waits on God loses no time"
          4. Elijah needed Cherith and Paul needed Arabia and we had better "come apart" lest we do come apart and go to pieces
  2. Elijah first encountered Obadiah, – I Kings 18:7
    1. Obadiah was the governor of Ahab’s house, a good man and one feared God – I Kings 18:3
      1. like many he was working with the wrong crowd
      2. he lined up with Ahab when he should have taken a stand with Elijah (the separated man of God)
    2. Obadiah is a type of the Christian who fears God, but is trying to better conditions while in league with the powers that be, instead of praying for revival
      1. he went out at Ahab’s command to look for grass, when he should have been praying for rain and calling men to repent and turn to God
      2. sin was the trouble then as it is today, and when men turn to God the showers fell
      3. what a waste of time it is to be out promoting this program or backing that project, trying to find a little grass, when the real problem is ignored
      4. for this reason we should loathe the Obadiah policies in our churches
        1. trying with parties, banquets, pageant and performances borrowed from the world, to stir up the fire that must fall from heaven
        2. sometimes a little grass may be discovered by these, but a drought is never broken by such pitiful activity
        3. we have had enough of the programs of Ahab and Obadiah, what we need is the fire of power and the showers of blessing
    3. there is not a more tragic sight than that of a Obadiah, whether in the pulpit or out
      1. entangled in the affairs of this world and infected with its enthusiasm
      2. when we ought to be burdened for the sins of the people
      3. if we are unable to stem the tide of sin, we should at least warn men of its dangers
      4. when the old faith is gone, and enthusiasm for the Gospel is extinct, it is no wonder that people seek something else in the way of delight
      5. when men reject the ways of the Lord, they run greedily in the path of folly
      6. there are to many Obadiahs today, who get their orders from the palace of Ahab instead of lining up with Elijah to call men back to God
    4. Obadiah honored Elijah and respected his power with God – 18:7
      1. Obadiah felt it better to be a diplomat and to stand with the government (or world)
      2. today there is not a more persecuted person than the man of God who calls men to repentance and seeks to do all things God’s way
      3. it is tragic that much of the persecution comes from people like Obadiah, who call these men of God alarmist or dooms day preachers
      4. these same people prefer a grass-hunting expedition under Ahab, rather than the Mt. Carmel experience with Elijah
      5. the remedy proposed by men like Elijah is the only one that will work, though it may seem like bitter medicine
      6. do we not grow weary of looking for grass with Ahab; God is calling us to no longer halt between two opinions
  3. next Elijah met Ahab , who ask, "art thou he that troubleth Israel" – I Kings 18:17
    1. Elijah was not the first nor the last stern old man of God that has kept nations off the rocks and God’s people from slumbering their time away
      1. preachers that aroused slumbering church goers, and that could not be silent in evil times are needed
      2. of this sort was Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Micah and others
      3. John the Baptist made it uncomfortable in the king’s palace
      4. Paul, who exceedingly trouble many communities, won the title of "world upsetter"
      5. these all follow in the steps of Another Who was accused of perverting the nation in His day
      6. this Divine Disturber makes all men restless until they rest in Him
    2. Elijah answered Ahab’s question with a stern pronouncement – I Kings 18:18
      1. there was a sense in which Elijah was a troubler, in that he stirred them from their complacency
      2. the real troubler was Ahab and his sinful house
      3. Nathan was another man of God that was not afraid to point a finger ("thou art the man")
      4. today most preachers are to afraid to stand and preach against sin
  4. next Elijah calls for a showdown with the priest and prophets of Baal – I Kings 18:22-24
    1. when the people had assembled together, he ask, "how long halt ye between two opinions" – I K 18:21
      1. it"s time to draw lines and make people face the issue
        1. too long have we dwelt in spiritual half truths, ethical fogs, and moral twilights
        2. our churches have mixed with the world, until being a Christian means nothing
      2. if some prophet challenges believers to surrender and separation, he is accused of tearing up churches and upsetting communities
      3. many are at ease in Zion and have conformed themselves to the court of Ahab, therefore they resent being called out into the open to show their true colors
        1. it is an uncomfortable and disturbing procedure
        2. he who calls people to it has a thankless job
        3. there can be no revival until men cease to halt between two opinions
    2. Elijah proposes that a sacrifice be offered to Baal and Jehovah – I Kings 18:23-24
      1. the people answered that "it is well spoken"
      2. so little fire has been seen lately that men are asking, "where is the Lord God of the Bible"
      3. men have grown skeptical, disillusioned and doubtful
      4. what we need today is men and women who will walk with God and pray down fire from heaven
      5. then revival has come
    3. let us not forget what the real test was – I Kings 18:24
      1. some men have made finances, or attendance, or fame, or feelings the test
      2. the test is fire, supernatural fire, the heavenly flame of Pentecost
      3. to many of our meetings can be accounted for on purely natural ground, we need some meetings that cannot be accounted for – Acts 4:31
      4. fundamental, Bible believing Baptist are as guilty as anybody
        1. these may have the facts, but do they have the fire
        2. their heads may be right and hearts still be wrong
        3. painted fire may be added to touch up the doctrine, but painted fire is not Pentecost fire; it will not burn
    4. think of the many tricks by which a church today imitates the world to attract man and money
      1. the business, financial, and social methods have been brought into the church
      2. the cleverness of man is employed to do the work of God
      3. the world has us beaten from the start at that game, and God will not honor it
      4. God works from above with fire from heaven
      5. we put the Gospel to shame by stirring up a fire from our own sparks
      6. the world knows the difference, and they laugh at a church for trying to beat the world at its own game
    5. the results of the test: Baal nothing and God won
      1. before Elijah made the sacrifice, he repaired the alter of the Lord that was broken down –I Kings 18:30
        1. never has there been a revival that did not begin in this way
        2. if God is to answer from heaven today, we must repair His broken alters
      2. alters that need to be rebuilt
        1. alters of consecration
          1. where we give ourselves to God and promise to do His will alone
          2. where we offer Him our talents and time and possessions and ourselves
          3. it is a wonder that many do not drop dead like Ananias and Sapphira, who kept back a part
        2. alters of dedication
          1. where we give our children to the Lord
          2. sad, but true; many have given their children, but later chose their way for them and deny God
        3. family alters
          1. where once we gathered to read Gods’ Word and commit our ways unto the Lord
          2. this alter is now abandoned with the silly excuse that times have changed, and it is no longer practical
        4. alters of service
          1. where once we lived only and always for the King
          2. now this alter is deserted because we live for self and no one else
          3. just as if Jesus had never lived, and just as if He had never died
      3. our task is to repair these alters
        1. clever substitutes to avoid repentance will do us no good
        2. stained-glass windows, robed choirs, banquets, and dramas have never fooled God
        3. God demand truth, and heaven will remain silent until we approach Him with rebuilt alters
    6. Elijah prayed, and the fire fell – I Kings 1837-39
      1. the wicked world that we live in would recognize fire from heaven , if there was enough of it to attract attention
      2. impotent Christians and churches will never bring people down on their faces before God
      3. if we would repair God’s alters, and seek the old-time power, we would need no argument to convince an unbeliever that "the Lord, he is God"
    7. Elijah tells Ahab to "eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain" - I Kings 18:41
      1. when God’s alter was repaired
      2. the Lord answered by fire, and men recognized the true God
      3. then the showers of blessings were on there way
  5. revival is not a matter of chance
    1. the road is clearly marked
    2. God is ready to bless His people, when they repair the broken alters and pray for the old-time fire