Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
- Intro.
- there use to be a TV show called "Mission Impossible"
- many Christians feel that the work God has called us to perform is a "mission impossible"
- has God laid to great of a burden upon us
- is our mission an impossible one
- the mission personnel - Matthew 28:19 [go ye]
- by definition we are all missionaries
- Webster defines "missionary" as someone who has been sent on a mission
- if someone were to ask, how many of us are Christians, I think we would all raise your hands
- if someone were to ask, how many of us are missionaries, I wonder who would raise their hands
- if we would raise our hands saying that we are a Christian, then we should raise our hand for being a missionary
- we are either a missionary or a mission field
- some might say, "I thought you had to be called to be a missionary"
- consider yourself "called," hear what Jesus said in John 15:8, 16
- God has called, and chosen each of us to be "on a mission" for Him
- think of it, we have been chosen to be part of the greatest endeavor in all the world
- we should be proud to be a part of God's mission
- the mission plan - Matthew 28:19 [teach all nations]
- what are we to do
- preach the gospel, share Jesus Christ
- baptize
- disciple them - 20
- everyone, everywhere is lost without Jesus Christ
- the only way people are going to be save is by hearing the gospel - Romans 10:14
- the world needs to be saved, but they must hear the gospel
- we have all been called to be missionaries; to share the gospel of Jesus Christ
- believers are to be baptized and made disciples
- this is often where we fail in the great commission, we forget about disciple making
- after people are won to Christ and baptized, they need to be trained to do the same
- this is how missions work
- someone has said that witnessing is "one beggar telling another beggar where he can find bread"
- Jesus said we are to be the light of the world, but a light that is hidden is no good
- Jesus said we are to be salt of the earth, but salt left in it's shaker is not serving it's purpose
- where is our mission to be conducted - Acts 1:8
- in Jerusalem, where we live
- God has a purpose for us where we are
- part of that purpose is to help in fulfilling His great commission to evangelize the world
- many people think that a missionary is someone who gets on a ship or a plane, and travels abroad to share the gospel
- if we are not good missionaries at home, we will not be very good missionaries abroad
- just because we support missions through various offerings, does not negate our responsibility to reach our own people, here in this place
- in Judaea, and in Samaria
- this is an extension of home missions
- we are to reach further out, and be involved in mission work in other parts of our state, and nation
- we are called to reach everyone
- utter most part of the earth
- this is foreign missions, all around the world
- this may seem like an impossible mission; it's magnitude is staggering
- there are more people alive today, that have never heard the gospel; than were alive when Jesus walked the face of this earth
- we are called to reaching into places that are closed to the gospel
- we are doing frontier missions work, reaching into places and touching the lives of people, who have never heard the name of Jesus
- what makes this mission possible rather than impossible is because of the power of missions
- the power of mission - Acts 1:8
- we can evangelize the world because we have been energized with the power of the Spirit of God
- it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power that enables us to be effective witnesses
- the Great Commission is God's Plan, and he furnishes the power to do it
- if we are not faithful at witnessing or doing missions, it is not because we can't, but because we wont
- the success of the Great Commission is not dependent upon our potential, our personalities, or our power, but upon Holy Spirit's power
- as we go and fulfill the great commission, we will enjoy a great consolation - Matthew 28:20
- a special presence in missions - Matthew 28:20 [I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world]
- wherever and whenever we are involved in God's work, we are not alone
- the Lord Jesus Christ, who has called us to this great endeavor will always be with us
- what enables missionaries to stay on the field even though they don't see much fruit, and become discouraged
- what encourages them to stay in spite of all the cultural differences
- it is the same thing that will encourage us to stay on the job here at home and in our community
- Jesus is with us
- Conclusion
- our involvement in missions is not a matter of calling, because we have been called
- it is not a matter of credentials, because God has authorized us to do it
- it is a matter of willingness, are we willing to commit ourselves to being witnesses
- will we be obedient to the commands of Christ
- it is the Great Commission not a Great Suggestion
- we can be involved in the work here by telling others about Christ, and inviting them to church
- we can be involved nationally, and internationally by giving and praying
- will you get involved the mission that is possible