II Timothy 3:16-17

  1. it means that we need to seek God’s forgiveness – Isaiah 55:6-7
    1. if an angel from heaven was to deliver a message, what would happen
      1. there would be no building large enough to hold the crowd
      2. if the message was printed in the newspaper, enough copies could not be printed
    2. the Bible is not an angelic message, but a divine revelation
      1. how great is our sin if we undervalue it or despise it
      2. neglect is a sin that many Christians need to confess
    3. isn’t it strange
      1. we have time, we make time to read the writings of man
      2. we have little or no time for the Word of God
    4. in the past God has spoken about our neglect – Hosea 8:12
      1. to neglect God’s Word is to despise the Law Giver
      2. to neglect God’s Word is to say that God wasted His time, the Bible has no value
    5. to say that human writings are more interesting …
      1. is to devalue and question the wisdom of God
      2. reveals the wickedness of our heart
    6. to neglect God’s Word is a sin against God (He has commanded us to read it, study it, and search it)
    7. many Christians need God’s forgiveness in this area
  2. it is the final court of appeal – Proverbs 19:21
    1. only one thing is important for now and eternity: what does the bible say
      1. it does not matter what I or anybody else thinks
      2. it doesn’t matter what a church teaches
      3. God has spoken and that is the end of the matter – Psalm 119:89
        1. we must bow to His authority
        2. we must submit to His Word
        3. we must stop complaining, and stop giving our opinion or excuses
        4. we should respond like Samuel of old, "speak Lord, for thy servant heareth"
      4. the Bible is God’s Word, and the final authority
        1. it tells us the doctrine to believe [profitable for doctrine – II Timothy 3:16]
        2. it tells us how to behave [instruction in righteousness]
        3. it tells us when we are wrong [for reproof]
        4. it tells us how to get right [for correction]
        5. it tells us our duty
      5. the Bible is to be read, believed, and followed
    2. Jesus believed in the authority of God’s Word
      1. when tempted by Satan – Luke 4:1-13
        1. He did not argue
        2. Jesus did not overwhelm Satan with His superior knowledge
        3. He did not use His almighty power to crush Satan
        4. "it is written" was His defense for each assault
      2. Jesus showed the prophetic accuracy of Scripture – Luke 4:16-21
      3. the authority of the written Word is greater than the appeal of miracles – Luke 16:31
      4. when defending His claim of Deity before the Jews, the written Word was the ultimate proof – John 5:18, 33-39
        1. there was the testimony of John the Baptist – 33-34
        2. there was the testimony of His own works – 36
        3. there was the testimony of the Father – 37
        4. the ultimate proof was the Bible – 39
      5. this was the position taken by the apostles and other prophets - Acts 13:5, Romans 4:3
    3. against the testimony of Scripture there is no appeal
    4. the Bible is the final authority, we can go no higher
  3. it is the standard for regulating conduct
    1. questions often ask (how to be just or saved, how to have lasting peace, how to best use my time)
    2. no one with a copy of the Bible can legitimately plead ignorance of God’s will
      1. the Bible leaves us without an excuse
      2. people in America will be judged the hardest (to whom much is given, much is expected)
      3. woe to the person that does not take time to find out what God has said
  4. it is a sure foundation for our faith
    1. speculation and theory are not good enough when eternal issues are at stake
      1. who can be at peace when the time of death comes, with only a "perhaps"
      2. as Christians we can thank God for the things we know to be absolutely sure
        1. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and is coming again
        2. I know that I have passed from death unto life – I John 3:14
        3. I know that I have eternal life – I John 5:13
        4. I know that I will be made like Christ – I John 3:2
        5. I know that I will dwell with Christ throughout all eternity
      3. How do I know? God’s Word says so
    2. the Bible speaks with absolute assurance and dogmatism
      1. its promises are certain because they are the promises of Him who cannot lie
      2. its testimony is reliable because it is the inerrant Word of the Living God
      3. its teachings are trustworthy because they are the teachings of the Omniscient God
    3. all this gives the believer a sure foundation on which to rest
    4. our future hope is built on a "thus saith the Lord," and that is sufficient
  5. it has a unique claim on us
    1. a unique book deserves and demands unique attention – Joshua 1:8
    2. a lesson from history
      1. nations that honor God’s Word have been honored by God – Psalm 33:12
      2. what is true of a nation is equally true of the family and the individual
    3. Daniel Webster said, "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but, if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe my overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
    4. the Bible is the book to live by and die by
    5. "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable" – II Timothy 3:16-17