Ephesians 6:1-4

  1. Into.
    1. the greatest book on parenting is the Bible
    2. one of the saddest and most tragic features of our day is the widespread disobedience of children toward their parents
      1. also a lack of reverence and respect for grown-ups
      2. the self willed child or the spoiled child …
        1. brings much sorrow upon themselves
        2. inflict sorrow upon all who come into contact with them
        3. stir up trouble for the days to come
    3. children are not the ones most at fault; parents are
      1. failure to honor father and mother is due to parental departure from the scriptural pattern
      2. fathers think they have done their part by providing food and clothing
      3. mothers have put other things ahead of their children
      4. they should be training their children to be useful
    4. consequences on the home
      1. it is no longer a miniature heaven on earth
      2. it has become a filling station by day, and a parking place by night
    5. parents cannot properly train their children unless they learn to govern themselves – Proverb 25:28
      1. the character of the parent is to a large degree reproduced in their children – Genesis 5:3
      2. parents must be in subjection to God, if they expect obedience from their children [provoke not to wrath] – Ephesians 6:4
    6. God has entrusted to parents a solemn duty and a precious privilege
      1. children are the hope and blessing, or the curse and plague of the future
      2. families are the nurseries of both the church and the country
      3. we as parents must prayerfully and carefully perform our duty
      4. God will expect parents to give an account for the children He gave to them
        1. they are His and only lent to us
        2. the task assigned to parents is not an easy one
    7. what are the duties of a parent
  2. instruct their children – Deuteronomy 6:6-7
    1. this work is far to important to assign to others
    2. this is not to be an occasional activity, but a constant one
    3. in our opening text, the fathers are specifically addressed – Ephesians 6:4
      1. they are the head of the family (govern and lead)
      2. husbands are prone to transfer this duty to their wife
  3. be a good example – Exodus 20:5
    1. teaching that only comes from the lips, will not sink any deeper than the ears
      1. children are quick to detect hypocrisy
      2. parents need to daily seek God’s grace to enable them to be a good example
    2. the goal of every Christian home should be to honor God at all times
    3. the character of the home is the responsibility of both parents
  4. discipline the children
    1. instruction is to be enforced by discipline
    2. discipline is the exercise of authority
    3. laws are useless if there is no consequences for breaking them
    4. example of Abraham – Genesis 18:19
      1. he did more than offer good advise [commanded]
      2. he exercised authority
      3. he enforced law and order in his household - [to do justice and judgment]
      4. he performed his duty so that the blessings of God might be on his family
    5. no child will be properly brought up without household laws and responsibilities
      1. rules should be simple, clear, reasonable, and inflexible; like the Ten Commandments
      2. it is vitally important that a child be brought into subjection at an early age, for their future good
      3. an untrained child means a lawless adult (prisons are full of them)
      4. the slightest offence should not pass without due correction
    6. the teaching of the Bible is crystal clear on this point – Proverbs 22:15 & 23:13-14
      1. such punishment must be used in the early years – Proverbs 19:18
      2. an undisciplined child will bring sorrow upon the parents – Proverbs 29:15
      3. these verses do not teach a reign of terror in the home
      4. children can be governed and chastened without losing their love and respect
      5. parents does not punish a child because they are angry, but because it is right, and God requires it
    7. parenting is hard work, but in the long run it pays a great dividend
  5. Conclusion
    1. we need God’s help – Psalm 127:1
    2. are you fulfilling your parental duty