Romans 3:24

  1. Intro.
    1. no scene in sacred history can gladden the soul like the scene of Calvary
    2. Calvary is a place of comfort and consolation
    3. nowhere does the soul find such consolation as on the very spot that misery reigned
    4. comfort is found in the place where agony reached its climax
    5. there grace gushes forth, and each drop is capable of alleviating the woes and agonies of mankind
  2. the redemption that is in Christ Jesus
    1. the picture of redemption is very simple (a prisoner is set free when the ransom is paid)
    2. some facts concerning the redemption that is in Christ Jesus
      1. a multitude has been redeemed, not just you or I alone
        1. Christ bought for Himself some from every kingdom, nation and tongue
        2. He has redeemed some from among every rank, from the highest to the lowest
        3. He has redeemed some from every color
        4. he has redeemed some from every standing in society, the best and the worst
      2. it was all paid, and all at once
        1. when Christ redeemed His people, He did it thoroughly, He did not leave a single penny unpaid
        2. God demanded a full payment, and Christ paid all that His people owed
        3. the sacrifice of Calvary was not a partial payment, it was a complete and perfect payment
        4. the whole demand of the law was paid, and He paid it all at once
        5. once for all He gave Himself a sacrifice, leaving nothing for Him or us to accomplish
      3. He did it all Himself
        1. a man named Simon may have helped Him carry the cross, but he could not be nailed to it
        2. two thieves were crucified with him, not righteous men, lest someone would claim they helped Him
        3. two thieves hung with Him so that He could pardon men and show His sovereignty, even when dying
        4. none of His disciples shared His death, He was left alone
        5. the whole tremendous debt was put upon His shoulders
        6. His love for us was so strong that He took the cup of judgment and drank it all, so that there would never be any flames of hell for us
      4. the ransom payment was accepted
        1. in truth, it was a great payment; what could equal it
          1. a body torn with torture
          2. a death of the most inhuman kind
        2. God accepted the payment
        3. if God had not accepted His sacrifice, Jesus would still be in the tomb
        4. his resurrection is God’s pledge of acceptance
        5. God gave a second proof of acceptance, for He took Jesus to heaven and set Him on His right hand
  3. the effect of the ransom [being justified]
    1. what is the meaning of justification
      1. justification is a word that is used in legal proceedings, it is always used in a legal sense
      2. there is only one way that a prisoner can be justified, he must be found not guilty
      3. if he is found to be not guilty, he is proved to be a just man
      4. if he is found guilty, he cannot be justified; he may be pardoned, but not justified
      5. if he is pardoned, he is still a real criminal
      6. wonder of wonders, we are proved guilty, and yet we are justified (man cannot do this)
    2. how does God justify a sinner
      1. what man cannot do, Jesus can
      2. Jesus puts His righteousness on us, and He takes our sins on Himself
      3. this marvelous doctrine of substitution is a doctrine of revelation, for it could never have been conceived otherwise
      4. the way that God saves a sinner is not by passing over the penalty
        1. the penalty has been paid by One who stood in the rebels place
        2. since Jesus took our place, He had to suffer what we would have suffered
        3. since we stand in Jesus’ place, God will give us a crown in heaven and take us close to His heart forever
    3. characteristics of this justification
      1. as soon as a repenting sinner is justified, he is justified for all his sins
      2. the moment we believe in Christ, our sins are no longer ours
        1. they are laid on the shoulders of Christ, and they are gone forever
        2. we then stand guiltless in the sight of God
        3. the moment a man believes in Christ, he ceases to be guilty before God, but he is seen as righteous
        4. when Jesus takes our sins, God starts looking at us with as much love and affection as He ever looked at His Son
      3. those who are once justified, are justified irreversibly
        1. once we are justified, there is no fear of a second charge
        2. if Christ has paid the debt, then the debt is paid, and never to be ask for again
      4. this is an extraordinary doctrine, but it is the doctrine of the Bible, that none can condemn whom God justifies – Romans 8:33
  4. the manner of giving this justification
    1. if we confess our sins, Christ will take our rags and give us His righteousness
    2. how is it obtained – "freely by His grace"
      1. "freely" because there is no price to pay for it
      2. "by grace" because we are undeserving of it
    3. God gives away His justification freely
      1. if we bring anything for it, He will throw it back in our face, and not give us justification
      2. we are to have it for nothing, or else not at all
      3. it is an insult to God to bring our counterfeit coins to pay for His treasure
      4. what poor ideas men have of the value of salvation, if they think they can buy it
    4. we cannot buy heaven with gold, good works, prayer, or anything in this world
    5. justification come only by asking for it
    6. if we continue in our sin, we cannot come to Christ
    7. we cannot believe in Christ, unless we renounce every sin and resolve to serve Him