I Thessalonians 5:18

  1. thanksgiving is a very important Christian virtue
    1. throughout the Bible, the Christian is commanded to be thankful
    2. all the commands of God are for our benefit
      1. an attitude of thanksgiving is a virtue that will influence other attitudes in our life
      2. right attitudes produce right actions
    3. an attitude of thanksgiving was displayed by Jesus in His earthly ministry
      1. He gave thanks before feeding the 5000
      2. He thanked the Father for answering His prayers
      3. He gave thanks when He instituted the Lord’s Supper
      4. His practice of thanksgiving was so distinct that it was the means by which the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Him after the resurrection
    4. a regular practice of thoughtful and heartfelt thanksgiving will influence other attitudes in our life
  2. it will help us to have a right attitude toward God
    1. when we are thankful, we recognize God at work in our lives - Psalm 107:1
      1. thanksgiving makes us aware that God is at work in our midst
      2. song: count your many will surprise you what the Lord has done
    2. thoughtful and heartfelt thanksgiving promotes faith in God
      1. thanksgiving reminds us of all the benefits we have in Christ - Psalm 103:2-5
      2. a remembrance of what God has done builds confidence in the believer to continue trusting God
      3. thanksgiving encourages faith
    3. thanksgiving helps us experience feelings of love and affection for our Father in heaven
      1. we learn to love God by receiving His love [we love him, because he first loved us - I John 4:19]
        1. His love is expressed in Christ’s death on the cross
        2. His love is revealed through His goodness and blessing on our lives
      2. as we recount and give thanks for these things, our love for Him is established and strengthened
    4. heartfelt thanksgiving prepares us for worship
      1. thanksgiving helps us to sense the greatness, wisdom, and power of God
      2. thanksgiving is the stairway to a greater awareness and knowledge of God
      3. it is through thanksgiving that we give worship to God
  3. it will help us have a right attitude about ourselves
    1. thanksgiving to God creates an attitude of humility and dependence
    2. to recognizing that all we have, has come from God will put down pride - I Corinthians 4:7
    3. pride is the slayer of thanksgiving, but thanksgiving will grow naturally in a humble mind
    4. a proud man is seldom thankful, because he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves
    5. thanksgiving helps us to have a humble attitude, and helps us see how dependent we are
    6. He is the vine, and we are the branches
  4. it will help us to have a right attitude toward others
    1. thanksgiving also helps us to recognize the good that others have done for us
      1. in nearly every letter that Paul wrote, he expresses thanksgiving for the people
      2. giving thanks for others will cultivate an attitude of respect, appreciation and love for them
      3. gratitude helps build relationships because it produces a positive attitude between people
    2. thanksgiving reminds us that God is in control, and that He works the evil of others for our good
  5. it will help us to have a right attitude toward life
    1. its easy to become discouraged and defeated as bad things happen in our lives
      1. frustrations, pressures, and stress can sour one’s attitude
      2. thankfulness can change all that
    2. in order to give thanks, we must examine the positive things of life
      1. that alone can lift our attitude
      2. thanksgiving helps us to look away from the negative and to focus on the positive
      3. thanksgiving helps us to focus upon God and His work in our life
  6. it will help us to have a right attitude toward the future
    1. the future is unknown, and filled with potential for danger and defeat
    2. thanksgiving directs our attention to God, our Savior, our Protector and Provider
    3. we can face the future when we can thank God for being in control of all things
    4. thanksgiving can renew our faith and courage to face the future
  7. how to develop thankfulness
    1. the roots of the word "thankfulness"
      1. thinkfulness
      2. to sit down before God
      3. both of these ideas are important in developing thanksgiving
    2. we must be quit before God and think - Psalm 46:10
      1. think of all that He has done for us
      2. think of all our benefits and privileges
      3. think of all our opportunities and responsibilities
    3. we must daily sit before God and thank Him