Genesis 3:1-13
- Intro.
- our text is the only answer for the question, "why do we die?"
- our study today has to do with how and why sin came into the world
- since the first act of sin, all manner of evil has come upon the world
- when God created the world it was "very good", but all that has changed
- why didn’t God prevent this from happening? Could He have prevented it?
- God gave Adam only one command - Gen. 2:16-17 (why was it given)
- it allowed Adam to exercise his moral nature (a test of moral character)
- the test gave man the opportunity of choice (to obey or disobey)
- this is the basis of our fellowship with God
- God has created man with the freedom to will
- God provided man with an opportunity to exercise that will
- being free, means that our relationship with God must be freely desired and freely chosen
- with a free will, man is free to be tempted - Gen. 3:1-5
- the tempter approaches the woman - 1
- he was "subtle" which means sly, crafty, cunning (well equipped to practice deceit)
- God could not stop the temptation because He had given us a free will
- the seed of doubt is sown - `1
- first he acts surprised at a prohibition he says God had placed on them (is it really true)
- the purpose was to plant doubt, and to question the goodness of God
- he purposely misquotes God - "every tree" (suggesting that God was to restrictive)
- the beginning of resentment - 2-3
- Eve corrected the serpent on what they could or could not eat
- Satan now had her attention focused on the one
- Satan wanted her to believe that any limitation on her freedom was intolerable
- Eve added to the words of God - "neither shall ye touch it"
- she was making the command seem even more unreasonable than the serpent had suggested
- from doubt to unbelief - 4-5
- now the serpent makes a bold face lie- 4 (contradicts the Word of God)
- the serpent even suggest that God had selfish motives for the command - 5
- this is a lie about God’s goodness, and a denial of God’s desire for man to be happy
- the truth: because God loves us, He warns us of things that are harmful
- the devil is a liar, and when he speaks it is allays a lie
- with a free will, we can chose to disobey God (sin)
- she disobeyed because of a false security
- she believed the devils lie that she could get away with it (not die, and be as gods)
- is not this the underlying attitude of most sin
- sin was made attractive to Eve
- "good for food" - physical hunger (lust of the flesh)
- "pleasant to the eyes" - appreciation of beauty (lust of the eyes)
- "desired to make one wise" - desire for wisdom (pride of life)
- God wants these appetites to be fulfilled, but they are not to be our master
- the sinful act - "and did eat" (faith leads to obedience, and doubt leads to disobedience)
- she (the sinner) entices her husband
- Eve did what sinners often do; entice others to join in their sin
- man by himself is miserable, we all need someone
- consequences of the wrong choice - Gen. 3:7-8
- the loss of innocence - 7
- instead of being elevated to the position of God; the became conscious of their sinful state
- their nakedness was now a matter of shame
- they didn’t experience the joy, wisdom, or power that Satan promised
- separation from God - 8
- "the voice" - a familiar voice, they recognized it, they had talked to God before
- because of sin they now hid from God
- called to give an account - Gen. 3:9-13
- it was a call from God - 9
- not a call of ignorance
- a call to give an account and make a confession
- a call to mercy
- "I was afraid" - 10
- sin brings an awful change in attitude toward God
- were there was love and companionship; there is now fear and separation
- God’s plea for a confession - 11
- man’s excuses - 12-13
- man blames the woman - 12
- before sin, Adam spoke of Eve with great joy - Gen. 2:23
- now he speak of her with resentment
- man blames God - 12
- woman blames the serpent - 13
- Satan is always seeking to deceive us
- temptations do not excuse us from personal responsibility
- temptations give us an opportunity to exercise responsibility
- conclusion of the whole matter
- God could have made us without a will (not a human, not made in the image of God)
- God has made us for fellowship with Himself
- true fellowship cannot be forced; it must be voluntary (free will)
- we are free to choose evil, but we cannot escape the consequence