II Thessalonians 2:1-3
- Intro.
- apostasy is a "falling away" from what was once believed
- this is not talking about a lose of salvation
- there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God
- the "falling away" is by people like Judas (never saved, an imitator)
- the imitators will multiply, and move further from the truth
- before the return of Christ there will be a great apostasy
- sin will become more rampant
- love in God’s people will grow cold (love for others will be replaced by a self love)
- there will be shipwreck everywhere
- God’s great concern is not what they fall into, but what they are falling away from
- many Christians are losing confidence in the power of Jesus name
- they are falling away from a child-like faith in Christ alone
- they no longer see Christ as the answer to all of life’s problems
- they have turned to methods, psychology, human expertise, and doctrines of men
- Isaiah was given a message that could easily be applied to our day – Isaiah 30:8
- he had warned the people not to "go back to Egypt" Isaiah 30:2 (a type of the world)
- in "going back to Egypt," they would reject the Lord as their ever present help
- what Isaiah has to say is very accurate, and true of our day as well
- evidence of the apostasy – Isaiah 30:1-2, 31:1 (no longer sought God’s counsel or help)
- they were called "rebellious children" – Isaiah 30:1
- they committed the ultimate sin – rejection of God
- this sin is a slap in God’s face
- God calls it a compound sin "add sin to sin"
- this sin is worse that drugs, alcohol, theft, and lying
- this sin is against God Himself
- the other sins are against His Law
- something to remember: this all has to do with being delivered from the problems of life
- how are God’s people supposed to be delivered from the problems of life
- the problems that Israel faced are really no different than the problems we face
- it was bigger than them
- it was more powerful than them
- how are we to face the problems that arise in our life
- Israel did not turn to God for their help
- they looked to Egypt (the world) for help
- trust in the world will only bring emptiness and anguish – Isaiah 30:3, 5, 7 (the world cannot help us)
- Isaiah is painting a terrible picture here
- God’s people willingly went back to what they had been delivered from
- they were going back to a world system that only brought pain and suffering
- look at the church today – where does it get it’s help and direction
- people no longer desire the power of God
- they have gone back to the world for wisdom
- the world teaches 12 steps to recovery, but the Bible only teaches 2 (repent and believe)
- they have turned from faith in Christ to faith in the world
- they no longer want to bear the reproach of the cross
- they do not seek the power and help of God in prayer
- apostate churches have borrowed the world’s music and entertainment
- the average church bulletin is more like a theater calendar of event
- all in hope of gaining a crowd
- they have no passion for souls, just crowds
- cause of apostasy – Isaiah 30:9-10
- apostate churches want nothing to do with preachers of righteousness
- they refuse correction [will not hear the law of the Lord]
- they excuse everything under the banner of love
- they love entertainment
- they flock to concerts, plays, and social gatherings
- they ridicule and mock what they call "doomsday preachers"
- they don’t want a preacher to tell them the hard truth
- they say "peak unto us smooth things" and make us feel good
- they hate the message of holiness – Isaiah 30:10-12
- instead of holiness, they want to hear prosperity
- why do people embrace the prosperity message, and reject calls to holiness
- because of their lifestyle – Deuteronomy 31:20
- prosperity preaching fits the success oriented lifestyle of today
- there is no desire to give up anything (they are into buying, acquiring, enjoying, and climbing)
- there is no desire to hear about crosses and losses
- Jesus said, "deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me"
- Paul said, "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord"
- one day the party will be over
- apostate churches only give lip service to God – Ezekiel 33:30-32
- the Word does not effect them
- they do not allow the Holy Spirit to reveal sin in their lives
- God hate the hypocrite most of all
- they totally reject the call to salvation – Isaiah 30 15-16
- "in returning" is another way of saying repentance
- "rest" is another way to say faith
- God’s message has always been the same: repentance and faith
- the end result of apostasy – Isaiah 30:12-13
- there will be a sudden collapse of those individuals and ministries that rejected the Word of God
- thousands of apostates will tremble in shame and terror – Isaiah 30:17
- there will be no hiding place, no rest, and no inner strength
- the kingdom of self, pride and ambition is coming down
- this warning should not trouble Christians who are fully trusting in Jesus Christ
- the apostasy reveals that Jesus Christ is about to return for His own – II Thessalonians 2:1-3
- before His wrath is displayed, we will be "gathered together unto Him" – II Thessalonians 2:1
- this is the rapture; we go to Him
- the judgment has not yet begun
- before we are raptured out, there will be a great apostasy
- this does not mean that we should give up and quit
- it means that we should stand firm because our redemption draweth nigh
- it means our race is about over, we should give it all we got
- the finish line is in sight, don’t faint now
- the way we finish a race often determines the rewards
- the knowledge of the rapture should bring comfort to the Christian in this evil world – I Thes. 4:16-18
- conclusion
- does this message frighten or trouble you – search your heart
- do you see the great apostasy taking place today, or are you a part of it
- what response will this message bring from you (ignore it, or stand firm and rejoice)