I Thessalonians 4:13-18
- Intro.
- this passage of Scripture tells us of a glorious future event for the believer
- this prophetic passage tells of the hope of all Christians
- this passage reveals the blessed hope of Christ return
- we refer to this event as the rapture
- the word rapture is not found in the NT
- the doctrine is clearly set forth in God’s Word
- the word "rapture" means to be snatched away
- the rapture speaks of the second coming of Christ
- it is as literal and definite as His first coming
- God’s saints have had a difficult past (hated, persecuted), but we have a glorious future
- God has not forgotten His people
- the world may scoff and ridicule the Christian, but God will avenge His saint in due time
- notice the positive statement that is made [shall descend – 16]
- the rapture will be instantaneous – I Corinthians 15:51-52
- the rapture will be a stunning and shocking experience for many people
- the unbeliever
- religious people, church goers, bench warmers
- the rapture will be the beginning of a spiritual dark age for those remaining on earth
- the rapture will be the beginning of a new and glorious day for those "in Christ"
- the rapture will be the beginning of the end for Satan and his followers
- things that will take place in the life of the believer at the rapture
- "we shall be changed"
- all our faults and weaknesses will vanish away
- we will be transformed into a wonderful, flawless, and majestic saint in heaven
- we will be made into His likeness – I John 3:2
- "this corruptible must put on incorruption" – I Corinthians 15:53
- every saint will receive a glorified body of extreme perfection
- the flesh will no longer have dominion over us
- the temptation to sin will vanish away
- we will enter into a place were Christ will truly be the Lord of our life
- disease will be unknown
- we will no longer grow tired or old
- "death is swallowed up in victory"
- after the rapture there will be no more death for the saints of God
- no more tears will be shed for departed loved ones
- Christ will come when we least expect it – I Thessalonians 5:2, 9-10
- a thief comes unexpectedly, so will Christ
- a thief come usually at night, so will Christ
- the clouds of doubt and unbelief indicate that night is near
- Jesus said, "the night cometh when no man can work"
- when Jesus takes His saints out of this world it will be as a thief in the night
- the rapture will be selective – I Thessalonians 4:16-17
- only those in Christ will be caught up into the clouds
- nobody knows the number of people that will be
- Jesus never encouraged us to believe that everyone would go
- Matthew 7:14 -- few find the way of life
- Matthew 24:36-39 -- only eight saved out of the millions who lived on the earth
- Luke 18:8 – will faith be found on earth when Jesus comes
- it is wishful thinking to believe that God will take everyone who has ever made the slightest profession of religion
- "the average person would feel so out of place with the true saints of God in glory, that it would be "hell" for them in heaven"
- the rapture is strictly and only for those "in Christ"
- the rapture will affect every segment of society
- the carnal church member, and the worldly preachers will be delighted
- for awhile there will be rejoicing
- those narrow-minded and fanatical people are missing
- no more prayer meetings or evangelistic efforts
- all religious restraint will be removed
- in due time the world will realize the terrible fact that Christ has come back, and taken His own away
- home will be broken and shattered
- immorality will increase
- bitterness in the heart of man will abound toward God and man
- the spirit of antichrist will prevail in the souls of men – I Thessalonians 2:7
- the Christian after the rapture
- once he was looked down upon, but now he is looked up to
- once he suffered in this world, but now he sees the world suffering
- all because Jesus came a second time, just as He promised – John 14:1-3
- the rapture will be the beginning of the saints reward
- the Christian’s reward is not in this life
- we are pilgrims and strangers in this land – Hebrews 11:13
- we are promised nothing but ridicule, hatred, and misunderstanding by the people of this world
- Jesus said, "if they hated me, they will hate you"
- when Jesus comes for His own, He will give reward to them for faithfulness and service – Rev. 22:12
- the reward for overcoming temptation – James 1:12 (we overcome because we love Him)
- the pastor’s reward – I Peter 5:4
- the soul winners reward – I Thessalonians 2:19
- a reward for those that love the thought of Christ coming again – II Timothy 4:8
- a reward for excellence in service – I Corinthians 9:25
- the martyrs reward – Revelation 2:10