Luke 16:19-31

  1. Intro.
    1. our text is an authoritative revelation of the eternal state of the dead
      1. there is a heaven to be gained
      2. there is a hell to be avoided
    2. there is much irony in our text
      1. the rich man went to hell
      2. the poor man went to heaven
    3. let us notice several things done by the rich man that sealed his doom
  2. he was a victim of deception - Luke 16:19
    1. he thought his wealth meant that God was pleased with him
      1. he didn’t need to be saved because he already had the favor of God
      2. America beware
      3. all his money could not buy one square inch in heaven
      4. all the money in the world is not enough to buy salvation (eternal life)
    2. he thought that his position in life would carry over into the next
      1. in God’s sight we are all lost sinners, no matter how great our stature is down here
      2. God’s standards for greatness is far different than man’s standard
    3. God’s blessings are intended to bring repentance - Rom. 2:4
    4. the result of his deception
      1. riches turned to poverty
      2. happiness turned to sorrow
      3. pleasure turned to suffering
  3. he was a victim of neglected opportunity - Luke 16:27-30
    1. he had heard that repentance and faith was necessary for salvation, but neglected it
      1. he probably felt that he led a good live
        1. he might have given the crumbs from his table to Lazarus
        2. he now hoped that Lazarus would repay the favor
      2. he may have even been religious (visit the temple &made offerings)
      3. Jesus does not say that he was a bad person
      4. good people will go to hell if they neglect God’s way of salvation (all have sinned)
    2. he thought that the things of this world were more important than eternal things - Mark 8:36
      1. he cared for his body, but neglected his soul
      2. many have gone to hell for this same neglect & many others will yet make the same mistake
    3. neglect is the sure road to hell - Heb. 2:1-3
      1. neglect is a form of rejection
      2. God’s wrath is against those who reject His grace
      3. if we neglect to heed the Word of God when we hear it, we sign our own death warrant
      4. neglect dooms the soul
  4. he was a victim of unbelief - Luke 16:29-31
    1. he and his family did not believe the Bible
    2. they thought an extra-biblical experience (resurrection of Lazarus) was more powerful than God’s Word
    3. the Bible is the only reliable basis for salvation
      1. II Tim 3:16 - "all scripture is given by inspiration of God"
      2. Rom. 4:1-5 - "what saith the scriptures"
      3. John 5:37-40 - "search the scriptures"
    4. are you on the path that leads to hell
    5. are you following in the steps of this rich man