I Cor. 1:18

  1. Intro.
    1. death on the cross has always been considered a death of shame
      1. its victims were nailed in agony to the rough wood
      2. suspended naked to the gaze of the multitude
      3. the victims were mocked rather than pitied
    2. God allowed this idea to root itself universally
      1. God wanted there to be a place of shame, that was lower than all others, for the great Substitute
      2. this place of shame was for the one who took the sinners place
      3. those who died on a cross were despised, rejected & deemed unworthy to die within the gates of a city
    3. after Christ died on the cross it became a power on earth
      1. as a hammer to smash all idols
      2. as a sword to smite all superstitions & false religions of the world
      3. as a lever to turn the world upside down
    4. the power & influence of the cross still remains
      1. the cross has not become obsolete
      2. the preaching of the cross has not ceased to be effective
      3. the cross is not out of date or out of fashion, as some would have us believe
    5. the cross is not without its mysteries, puzzles or contradictions
      1. it is death & life, shame & honor, sorrow & joy, hatred & love
      2. it is Satan’s victory & Satan’s defeat
      3. it is the gate of heaven & the gate of hell
    6. the cross is a divine interpretation of the things of God
  2. it is the interpreter of man
    1. by the means of the cross, God brought out into the open what was in man
      1. at the cross man spoke out & exhibited his true self
      2. man made an unconscious confession of his feelings toward God (His authority, law & love)
      3. at the cross man gave vent to the feelings of his heart
    2. the cross is a public confession by man that he is a hater of God
      1. "crucify Him, crucify Him"
      2. "not this man, but Barabbas"
    3. the cross removed the mask of pretended religion
      1. it revealed a soul that was overflowing with the malice of hell
      2. it showed man to be hating most when God was loving most
      3. it showed man taking the devils side against God
    4. the cross is man’s declaration of the belief that he needs no Savior
      1. man is not basically good and the cross proves it
      2. the cross reveals the true nature of man
    5. some will say "I had nothing to do with that cross"
      1. unbelief is an approval of the deed & identification with the murderers
      2. faith is man’s protest against the deed & identification with the Crucified One
  3. it is the interpreter of God
    1. the cross reveals a God of grace - "love" – Jn. 3:16
      1. no other act could have demonstrated the sincerity of God’s love, as did the cross
      2. it is a love that is stronger than shame, suffering & death
      3. it was love unmeasurable & unquenchable (God is love)
      4. the cross was the extremist test to which God’s love could be put
      5. man’s most terrible test was God’s opportunity to display the riches of His love
    2. at the cross we learn of God’s righteous character
      1. did God deal mildly with sin when it was laid on His Son?
      2. God demanded a full payment –"it is finished"
      3. God is just and "will by no means clear the guilty"
    3. God took the side of the law in condemning sin & the side of love in delivering the sinner
  4. it is the interpreter of the law
    1. the cross tells us that the law is holy, just & good; not one jot or title can pass away
    2. the cross reveals…
      1. the power of the law (condemned the Son of God)
      2. the vengeance of the law (the suffering Christ endured)
      3. the inflexibility of the law (for all sin)
    3. the cross is God’s protection against all attempts to destroy, dilute or modify the law
      1. man thinks it is too strict
      2. the cross upholds the law as unchangeable
  5. it interprets sin
    1. at the cross we see the difference between God’s view of sin & man’s view
      1. it is not a little thing to be overlooked
      2. the curse was no mere threat
      3. pardon is not a divine indifference to sin
      4. the penalties for sin are absolute certainties
      5. sin is not a disease, but guilt which must go before the Judge
    2. at the cross we find a vivid picture of "the exceeding sinfulness of sin"
    3. the cross shows us that the true essence of sin is hatred of God
      1. man by nature hates God
      2. at the cross, man murdered the Lord of Glory
    4. is not this a fearful discovery of what sin really is?
  6. it interprets the gospel
    1. the gospel is good news concerning…
      1. a divine sin-bearer
      2. the death which gave us everlasting life
      3. the blood which cleanseth from all sin & reconciles us to God
    2. the cross is the righteous & honorable settlement of every claim that can be made against a sinner -Romans 8:33-34
    3. the cross is the appointed meeting place between the sinner & God


  1. what is your response to the cross of Christ?
  1. is it foolishness or power
  2. do you scoff or believe
  1. will you meet God at the cross of Christ?
  2. He is waiting to hear from you