I Timothy 5:1-16

  1. how to treat those that error - 5:1-2
    1. "rebuke not" - 5:1
      1. the how & when to correct someone has always been a problem
      2. we like to shy away from it, but Christian love requires a willingness to correct
      3. correction is something that requires both wisdom & tact
      4. "rebuke not" – do not reprimand harshly, do not beat down with verbal abuse, harshness is out
    2. treat the older man as a father - 5:1
      1. appeal to him as if he were your own father
      2. show respect
      3. this does not mean that old men have the liberty to do as they please
    3. treat younger men as brothers - 5:1
    4. treat older women as a mother - 5:2 (no son would severely rebuke his own mother)
    5. treat the younger woman as a sister - 5:2
      1. a man’s contact with a woman is to be "with all purity"
      2. no suspicion of sexual wrong doing
  2. how to treat widows - 5:3-16
    1. widows with no family - 3
      1. these widows are to be honored (includes both respect & financial support)
      2. honor is to appreciate the value of someone
    2. widows that have children - 4
      1. the children must "learn first to show piety at home"
        1. piety has to do with reverence & respect
        2. discipleship involves family responsibilities
        3. reverence toward God is seen through respect for parents
      2. children are "to requite their parents"
        1. to render recompense, to reward
        2. children are to provide for the wants of a parent in their old age
        3. children should feel that it is a matter of sacred obligation
        4. children have a debt that they can never wholly repay
        5. it is an opportunity to show Christian kindness
      3. this behavior is pleasing to God
    3. two kinds of genuine widows - 5-6
      1. the godly believer - 5
        1. she has placed her trust in God
        2. she realizes her dependence & looks to God for consolation and support
        3. she isn’t bitter & doesn’t complain, she prays
      2. that lives in pleasure - 6
        1. one who has yielded to the indulgences of a fleshly appetite
        2. she may have tried to drown her sorrows in sinful pleasures
        3. she has forfeited the enjoyment of the abundant life
        4. pleasure seekers are dead even though they live
          1. they have cut themselves off from the purposes of God
          2. real life is fellowship with God
        5. some lessons to learn
          1. true happiness is not found in the pleasure of our senses
          2. the pleasure of our senses is not the purpose for which life was given
          3. such a person may as well be dead
    4. Timothy was responsible for making these distinction known to the entire church - 7
      1. it was important that the church maintain a good testimony
      2. the goal is "blameless"
    5. who is to receive support from a church - 8-15
      1. those with living children do not qualify - 8
        1. the believer is responsible for meeting the needs of their parents
        2. the believer who refuses to make this provision has "denied the faith"
          1. it is possible to deny the faith by conduct as well as by word
          2. a neglect of any duty is a denial of the faith
        3. a believer that refuses to provide is "worse than an infidel"
          1. a Christian ought not be inferior to an unbeliever in any virtue (good thing)
          2. a believer ought to surpass the unbeliever in every virtue
      2. a widow must meet certain qualifications - 9-10
        1. "taken into the number"
          1. does not refer to church membership
          2. Paul speaks of something that was commonly known and practiced (Acts 6:1)
          3. Paul is not starting some new practice, but is laying down some guidelines
          4. it does reveal a planned provision
        2. they had to be of a certain age
        3. faithful to her husband - "the wife of one man"
          1. similar to the requirement for pastor (one man woman)
          2. does not mean only married once - 5:14
        4. known for good deeds -10
          1. reputation is very important
          2. spiritual power is generated when truth understood becomes truth in action
          3. private spirituality will manifest itself in public performance
          4. the kind of reputation she was to have
            1. a good mother
            2. hospitable
            3. courteous and humble - "washed the saints’ feet
            4. compassionate
            5. actively pursued the godly life
      3. the younger widow is not to receive church support - 5:11-15 ("the younger widow refuse")
        1. reasons for this refusal - 11-13
          1. they will be tempted by their sexual desire & want to marry - 11-12
            1. their attraction to men will eventually supersede their commitment to Christ (verse 5)
            2. to be taken into the number required a commitment to Christ
            3. when the commitment was broken they would bring judgment upon themselves - 12
              1. "cast off" – to set aside, to nullify
              2. "first faith" does not refer to salvation, but the commitment
          2. they may get into the habit of being idle - 13
            1. more energy + church support = free time
            2. idle hands are the devil’s workshop
          3. idleness leads to gossip & meddling - 13 ("wandering about from house to house")
            1. "tattlers" –gossip
            2. "busybody" – one who pays attention to things that do not concern them; meddle, butt in
        2. appropriate action for the younger widow to take - 14-15
          1. "marry"
            1. Paul could not force them to marry against their will
            2. his opinion was both logical & spiritual
          2. "bear children, guide the house"
            1. this will prevent idleness
            2. it will keep the enemy from speaking evil against us - 14
            3. some had already begun to practice sinful habits -15 (compare verse 6)
      4. a summarization of the counsel on widows - 16
        1. a Christian should take care of any widow in their family
        2. the church should not have to be responsible for a widow that has children
        3. the truly needy should be helped by the church