I Timothy 5:17-25
- the financial support of pastors - 5:17-18
- who should be honored - 17
- those that rule well
- "rule" means to superintend, over see
- the gift of ruling is given by the Holy Spirit for use within the church
- this is a occupational authority, not a personal supremacy
- "well" makes a distinction between the good and those that are average or below
- special consideration should be given to those who teach & preach the Word
- "labour" means hard work, toil, grow weary
- the activity of the labor is teaching & preaching
- "the word" relates to their ministry among the unsaved
- "doctrine" focuses on the instruction of the believer
- take note of the importance given to the teaching & preaching of the Word
- type of support - 17 ("worthy of double honor")
- Paul is speaking about financial support
- "honor" means a value, money paid, valuables or price
- "double" may not mean twice in the strictest sense, but it does mean ample or generous
- earlier in this book, Paul said the pastor should not be a lover of money - 3:3
- this does not imply that the pastor should be the resident pauper in the congregation
- he is worthy of adequate and generous support
- the scriptural bases for financially supporting a pastor - 18
- an OT verse of Scripture
- it came from the law of Moses (Deut. 25:4)
- this verse deals with the humane treatment of the ox while it worked
- this verse has a larger application than the treatment of the ox
- a NT verse of Scripture
- this is a recorded quotation of Jesus (Luke 10:7) (written 5 years earlier)
- Jesus is saying that the worker deserves his wage
- the wage should equal that of those to whom he ministers
- it is important to note that the words of Christ are made equal with OT Scripture
- what we call NT Scripture was recognized as such in the lifetime of the writers
- how to discipline a pastor - 5:19-21
- pastors are human; they are not above doing wrong or sinning
- as a member of a church, they are not immune to discipline
- the same standard applies to them as to all the people
- the goal of discipline
- restoration
- forgiveness
- spiritual health of the church
- they should be protected from false accusations - 19
- "receive" means to welcome with total acceptance
- accusations are more easily made than proven
- discipline must be founded on fact, not rumor
- disciplinary actions should not even be thought about unless there are several witnesses
- this safeguard is a wise one
- no person is more subject to the attacks of Satan than the servants of God (gossip & slander)
- if every accusation required a full investigation, there would be little time for anything else
- if discipline is necessary, it should be done before the whole church - 20
- the preceding safeguard was not intended to protect evil men
- the purpose for a public rebuke
- to show that even leaders are not exempt from discipline for sin
- the practice of sin among the leaders could not be tolerated
- being a pastor does not provide a defense or an excuse for sin
- discipline should not be administered with prejudice or partiality - 21
- a serious appeal - "I charge thee before…"
- the purpose of the charge - "that thou observe these things"
- "observe" means to guard or to protect
- encouragement to obey these difficult commands
- how the commands were to be carried out
- should not make a judgment before all the facts are set forth; do not prejudge - "without preferring
- no verdict until there is a thorough understanding of the situation
- should not give preferential treatment to a friend
- not to give someone the benefit of the doubt when the evidence is against them
- ordination of the elders - 5:22-25
- some advice: avoid quick decisions - 22 ("lay hands suddenly on no man")
- much prayer, thought, & examination must precede an appointment
- Christ prayed all night before He chose the twelve apostles
- quick decisions are usually wrong (based on peer pressure & superficial observation)
- a warning about wrong recommendations - 22 ("neither be partaker of other men’s sins")
- ordination implies an approval of the person’s doctrinal convictions, moral character & ability to execute the position of pastor
- then failure of a new pastor could fall upon those who recommended him
- personal advice to Timothy
- keep your reputation clean - 22 ("Keep thyself pure")
- take care of yourself 23
- Paul had worked miracles in the past, but there was no miracle for Timothy
- Paul is giving medical advice to Timothy
- "drink no longer water"
- "use a little wine"
- some observations
- Timothy was practicing total abstinence
- Timothy was not to become a wine drinker, but was to use wine as a medicine
- wine was to be used for his weak stomach, not to make his stomach weak
- this has nothing to do with "social drinking"
- Paul recognized that medicine is useful for God’s people
- some general principles concerning sin & good works - 24-25
- concerning sin - 24
- the sins of some men are "open beforehand" (obvious)
- some sins are judged in this life - "going before to judgment"
- some sins will be dealt with at the judgment seat of Christ - "some men they follow after"
- concerning good works - 25
- the same is true of good works - "likewise"
- some people are rewarded in this life
- some people will be rewarded in the life to come