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25 ways to stay healthy

25 ways to stay healthy

Brush twice a day

Dress right for the

Visit the dentist

Get plenty of rest.

Make sure your hair is
dry before going outside.

Eat right.

Get outside in the sun
every once in a while.

Always wear a

Control your drinking
of alcoholic beverages.

Smile! It will
make you feel better.

Don't over indulge

Bathe regularly

Read to exercise
the brain.

Surround yourself
with friends.

Stay away from
too much caffeine.

Use the bathroom

Get plenty
of exercise.

Have your eyes
checked regularly.

Eat plenty of

Believe that people will
like you for who you are.

Forgive and forget.

Take plenty of

Pick up a

Celebrate all
special occasions.

Lay down with the kids
for a nap
as yourself.

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