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All Mighty God

Almighty God


I often say I love You, Lord,
And You know that's true.
But I want to show it, Lord,
In everything I do.

I've no desire for worldly things,
No need for earthly gain.
I only want to serve You well
And glorify Your name.

I want to be a vessel, Lord,
Cleansed and filled by You.
I want to see Your love flow out
In all I say and do.

I want to be a servant, Lord,
To those around me too.
I want to be a light that shines,
And show my love for You.

He who has My commandments, and
keeps them, it is he who loves Me.
And he who loves Me will be loved by
My Father, and I will love him, and
manifest Myself to him.
(John 14:21)

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I Worship You Almighty God

Music by
Sondra Corbett Wood