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America Military

We Are America

We stand for America
Land of the free

Our Country was founded under
God and will remain under God

We stand united for freedom
We stand tall and proud

We wear our uniforms proudly
We carry our flag high and

We will no longer put up with
any more terrorists attacks ,
Bombing, killing of innocent

We will defend our Country and
it's freedom

We will fight to defend every
man, woman, and child of all
Nations and their freedom

We (will not) be shaken or
live in fear

We will not bend or bow to any
terrorist act
We (will not) be intimidated
by any terrorists

We are proud of our country and
what we stand for

Why Because


(A note to all terrorists)

We are coming

we will track you down

we will flush you all out

there will be no where to hide
you will stand trail for all your
killing of innocent people

your terrorist act will no
longer be put up with by any

If war you want than war you will get

You and all your other terrorists
friends are wanted dead or a live

You are all walking dead men

(Take note)

You may hide under a rock ,
in a cave, or in a hole,

it's just a matter of time that we
find you

We will drag you out

It's not to late for you to turn away
from sin and turn to the one and only

God is a loving and forgiving Father
He will for give you for all your sins

Give Jesus a try if you don't like him
satan will always take you back

We Are America

Written By

We are the spirit of America

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Music God Blessed The USA
If you like the music
Please buy there CD.