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America Under Attack

It was something we never thought we'd see
It could never happen to you and me

An attack against all civilization
An attack that shocked our nation

Four airliners, all hijacked
A precise and planned attack

Fueled by evil, a merciless crime
The worst terrorist act of all time

The World Trade Center towers
Symbols of our financial power

Crumbling, falling, cascading down
Concrete and debris, hitting the ground

So many families torn apart
A tragedy felt in all of our hearts

If we're ever to overcome this devastation
We must pull together as a nation

To the victims' families, we send our prayers and love
As we seek guidance and hope from the Lord above

In memory of all those who perished;
The Passengers, Pilots on the
United and American flights,
the workers in the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, Firefighter, Police Officer,
and all the ones who was killed on the streets.

Our prayers go out to the friends and families
of the ones who are missing and deceased.

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music on this page is for entertainment
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Thank you

Written by
Jody Henderson

God Bless America Again
Conway Twitty and Lorettal Lynn

If you like the music please buy
there CD.