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An Angel's Story

An Angel's Story

Hello, my name is Gabriel
I have come to talk to you about angels.
I just need you to understand a few things
about us, so you don't get carried away and
think too highly of us.

Remember, we, like yourself, are a creation
of God, and He and He alone is to be
worshipped, praise, and thanked.

You see though you were created a little lower
than we were, we are all ministering spirits,
sent forth to minister for you who will be heirs
of salvation.

Did you catch that word, sent?

Yes, we follow His command, therefore there
is no need to pray to us.

Being redeemed is something we can't know,
or the feeling when the burden of sin is lifted
from your life.

We don't know the feeling of being healed, the
birth of a child, a loving hug, a friendly smile,
or a kind word spoken in due season.

Oh, how blessed you are to feel His Blood. We
are watching the joy when a sinner repents. We
don't know what a miracle feels like, we only
help bring them to pass.

He sends us to help protect and guide your life.
We can move children out of the way of harm and
stand guard over their lives, even when something
bad happens. We can appear when danger is near,
and we can keep ourselves from being seen. You
see life and death is in His Hands. There are many
things we are able to do, but only at His word.

We can't forgive and we didn't die for your sins,
He did.

Remember we are not all good, but that is
another story.

Thanks you for listening,


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