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Donny Brain Injury

Remember the ant farms?

Sand in a clear glass aquarium-like container,
but sealed lest the ants remove themselves.

The ants can be watched tunneling their roads/
pathways. If these aquarium ant farms are shaken,
these tunnel paths collapse.

As after an earthquake's destruction to highways
and byways, these tunnel paths will need to be

Ideally if these pathways can be reconstructed
they will lead to the destination that was
originally planned at the other end.

It takes a while for all of this reconstruction
to be mapped out and planned, and then more time
for the reconstruction.

After the highways/byways are reconstructed it
won't be the same road even if the destination
is the same.

So, imagine the brain as an ant farm.

Imagine the brain being shaken as if an
earthquake had rattled it.

Now, imagine every activity that is done
as a destination –

If the brain had an earthquake affect it,
then probably there will be activities
affected since the pathways have been altered.

Now, in the brain think that the highway/
byways, that are the transportation links
from one destination to another is the
thought process.

And this thought process starts thinking
about an activity, then to the actual doing
of the activity.

And that is a view of a brain – injured.

The music on this page is from
Donny, to his loving mother

What is a traumatic brain injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as a
blowor jolt to the head or a penetrating head
injury that disrupts the function of the brain.
Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a
TBI. The severity of such an injury may range
from "mild," i.e., a brief change in mental
status or consciousness to "severe," i.e., an
extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia
after the injury. A TBI can result in short or
long-term problems with independent function.

How many people have TBI?

1.4 million who sustain a TBI
each year in the United States:

50,000 die;
235,000 are hospitalized;
and 1.1 million are treated and
released from an emergency department.
1 The number of people with TBI
who are not seen in an emergency
department or who receive no care
is unknown.

The leading causes of TBI are:

Falls (28%);
Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (20%);
Struck by/against (19%);
Assaults (11%)

1. Blasts are a leading cause of TBI for
active duty military personnel in war zones.2

Please help the Brain Injury Association
Of America With Your donation

For 25 years, the Brain Injury Association
of America (BIAA) has served thousands of
Americans impacted by brain injury. The
Association's mission, resources, services,
dedicated staff, state affiliates and
volunteers are focused on creating a better
future through brain injury prevention,
research, education and advocacy.

Your gift means they can continue to provide
vital support and services to those we serve.
Thank you for your support…together we can make
a difference.

You can Donate by Phone or Mail

By Mail
Please send your checks to:

Brain Injury Association of America
8201 Greensboro Dr., Suite 611
McLean, VA

703-761-0750 ext. 624

On behalf of Donny, his family and
Sweetspirit we all would like to thank
you for any donation you may give to the
Brain Injury Association.

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Please Note
All poems and graphics on my pages
are (copyrighted) others or myself
Please do not use any of the poems,
music or graphics without (written permission.)
music on this page is for entertainment
purposes only
Thank you

You Raise Me Up

Josh Groban