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Follow Me

    "Follow Me"

    All you who labor and are heavy laden,
    And I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you
    And learn from Me,
    For I am gentle and lowly in heart,
    And you will find rest for your souls.
    For My yoke is easy
    And My burden is light.

    "Therefore I say unto you,
    Do not worry about your life,
    What you will eat
    Or what you will drink;
    Nor about your body,
    What you will put on.
    Is not life more than food
    And the body more than clothing?
    Look at the birds of the air,
    For they neither sow
    Nor reap nor gather into barns;
    Yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.
    Are you not of more value than they?"

    "Why are you fearful?
    How is it that you have no faith?
    (Mark 4:40)

    Let not your heart be troubled;
    You believe in God,
    Believe also in Me.

    For I, the Lord your God,
    Will hold your right hand,
    Saying to you
    'Fear not, I will help you.'

    I will never leave you
    Nor forsake you."

    "I will not leave you orphans;
    I will come to you.

    Peace I leave with you,
    My peace I give to you;
    Not as the world gives
    Do I give to you.
    Let not your heart be troubled,
    Neither let it be afraid.(

    And you will seek Me and find Me,
    When you search for Me
    With all your heart."

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    Thank you

    Follow Me

    By Michael Combs

    music is for entertainment
    puposes only