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From Hell To Heaven

From Hell To Heaven

As I lay on the bed of death with love ones
standing by,

I heard a voice come follow me, I'll show you
where you will spend eternity.

the pit of hell open that night where I was
case in the pit, with flames all about, the
smell of it all I could not bear.

The door to hell close, no long was there light.
I cried in a loud voice Lord save me, save me
from this eternal flames.

Out of hell I was taken to see a city the lights
so beautiful with love ones from my pass so long
a go, calling my name.

I heard the voice of Jesus my child take my hand
and walk with me, for I am the way to the light.

I woke up to find it only a dreams with tears
running down from my face that night,

On my knees I cried out to Jesus, thank him for
saving me from the eternal hell.

So from hell to heaven I travel that night.

My friend this is a true story I was the one
who gone to hell and heaven that night

So travel on your knees my friend to the city
of God be for it's to late.

This story is true my friend I was that person
who travel from, hell to heaven all in one night.

written by
Robert D. Grinstead with
the help of Sweetspirit

Thank you Robert for the beautiful story
in your dream that turn your life around

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By : JohnTesh