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Garment Of Praise

Put On The Garment Of God

Praise the Lord whether you feel like
it or not.
Usually if you do not, you are a
little depressed or unhappy, in trouble!
I have had some of the biggest break-
throughs when I began to praise when
I thought I couldn't.

If you are wearing the garment of
despair, put on the garment of praise!
Let praise music fill your house, let
praises to the Lord God fill your heart
and spill out of your mouth.

Humble yourself before God, think on Him.

Think about His splendor and glory.
Think about His Majesty and Omnipotence.
Thank Him for all that he's done for you,
for all that He is.

If you are uncertain you know what praise is...
are you sincere?

Do you mean what you say?

"Lord, You are beautiful, Lord you are..."
Did you mean it? Then that's praise!
Because we love Him we want to praise Him!
Because praise to God breaks the spirit of

Because if we don't praise Him, the stones
will rise up and praise Him!

Because we want to please Him, we want to
praise Him!

Because we want to express our gratitude
and acknowledge His Mightiness we praise

Because He is worthy!!
Pick up the Bible and look at the Book of

It has lots of examples of praise.

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pages are (copyrighted)others
or myself Please do not use any
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without(written permission.)
music on this page is for
entertainment puposes only
Thank you

Garment Of Praise

David Ingles

Jeannine Brownd