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Happy New Years My Friend

Happy New Years My Friend

We've seen the passing of another year.
For many it's been filled with pain and
tears. We've seen our loved ones in their
decline. We've had to accept that they
won't be fine.

Some of us had to say good bye, To a long
time loved one, and we've all cried. But
there have been times in this past year,
That certain events have brought us cheer.

There are so many friends that are on the
list, And I know there's names I will have
missed. But better friends I could not have
bought. And here is just a New Year's thought.

If it were possible that a wish could come
true, Then this is my New Year's wish for you.
May the coming year be full of hope, And may
we be given the strength to cope.

Let courage, faith and patience abound.
And let us pray that a cure will be found.
And now at the close of another year,
My friends, I wish you a Happy New Year.

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Irish Blessing

by Roma Downey and Phil Coulter

from Roma's CD 'Healing Angel'