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Hold On My Child

Your a prayer a way

Does it seem that your troubles won't end?

Are you needing some help from a friend?

There is still hope in sight,
Things can still turn out right --

You're only a prayer away.

Are your burdens weighing you down?

Are you always wearing a frown?

Friend, don't cry in despair,
There is someone who cares --

And He's only a prayer away.

Are your problems causing your grief?

Do you struggle to stay on your feet?

Someone's waiting for you,
And He'll see you through --

You're only a prayer away.

If you will give Jesus your heart,
He will give your life a new start;
He'll cleanse you from sin,
He's your Savior and Friend --

And He's only a prayer away.

And it shall come to pass that
whoever calls on the name of the
Lord shall be saved.
(Acts 2:21)

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Please do not use any of the poems,
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music on this page is for
entertainment puposes only
Thank you

Song :
Joy comes in the morning

Music by :
Jimmy Swaggart