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I Wept






Every journey has to
begin with a first step;
mine was the day I recognized
myself as a sinner and I wept.

I wept because I saw the
filthy sin abiding in me;
I wept because I saw that
Jesus desired to set me free.

I wept because I’d never
known unadulterated love;
I wept because I was being
given an eternal home above.

I wept to wash away the filth
by which I’d once been stained;
I wept since recognizing
the new status in life I’d attained.

Attained not through
any work I’d ever done,
no I attained it because of
that loving act of God’s own Son.

You see Jesus lovingly
gave up His life for me,
so that I too could abide
in Heaven throughout eternity.

I wept then for the
joy that filled my soul,
and sometimes I weep when
I think I may not reach the goal.

The goal my Heavenly Father
had in mind as He created me,
the goal that He still
intends to be my destiny.

The goal He pictured when
He created the Great Master Plan,
the destiny he sees while
molding me in His hand.

I weep when I neglect to surrender
at the start of any new day,
because I realize I can’t
on my own live it His way.

I weep as I apologize
for the mistakes I often make;
I weep when I accept
the mercy offered for my sake.

I weep because I’m so blessed
to know my Heavenly Savior,
and to have been
forgiven my sinful behavior.

I weep for those who haven’t
had that opportunity yet,
as I ask God to help me
their undivided attention to get.

To get their attention by
sharing the salvation story,
so they too may choose
to take part in Heaven’s Glory.

I’ll weep once more as
I enter Heaven’s Gate,
as I see again all of my loved
ones who’ve gone ahead to wait.

But the most heart-rending
weeping I’ll ever do,
will be that first time Dear Jesus
that I stand before You!

I Wept

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Can't Cry Hard Enough
by Enya