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Mama Boy 1

Mama Boy

#1 They choose mommy over you.
No matter how good you treat him, no matter the wonderful little things you do for him (and the big ones too), you will never amount up enough to his mother. She will always be the best, she will always be better than you are. He will do more things for his mother in a week, than he'll ever do for you in a lifetime. Anything she wants, she's going to get. Anything you want, well, let's just say you're going to be waiting awhile.

#2 His mom has more authority than you.
And she always will. When your husband gets sick in the hospital and of course, you'll be right by his side. However, his mommy will be there along with you. She'll make sure she sabotages you, so you won't get to see what is really going on with her son, and she will. Then, when you find out the doctor has came into his room and given him his diagnosis, his mother will lie to your face, and possibly even persuade your husband to do the same.

#3 Just after getting married,
you'll get to go on your luxurious honeymoon, with your mother-in-law! That's right, you don't think he's actually going to leave her sitting at home while the two of you get some alone time, do you? Of course, not! He's going to bring her with you two, so she can see the fabulous places you've decided to go to. Oh, and don't forget, when it's time for bed - you won't be sleeping in the same bed with your newly husband. In fact, you won't even be sleeping in the same room!
#4 The blame is always on you.
No matter the circumstances of the argument or event taken place, you will always be the person who is "in the wrong." His mother will profusely blame you, not to mention remind you of it for the rest of your time her son. She will always take his side, even when he's the wrong doer, so you simply cannot win.

#5 You can't move.
If you move, you'll be too far from his mother. He definitely is going to be having that (and neither is she!). You'll be stuck living next door or down the street from her...for the rest of your life!

#6 Since she knows everything about your
relationship, his mother meddles in your life. She constantly reminds you of things that are going wrong in your relationship, things that you had no idea she even knew about! She also is similar to a _ questioner, in this situation, she will continue to ask you questions about the things happening between the two of you - even your love life!

#7 His mom knows more than she should about your
life together. All the crazy stuff that happens between the two of you, including that argument you had last night about spending $300 on Victoria's Secret underwear (Momma's boys are cheap too!) - yeah, she knows about that. In fact, he tells her everything! She's the perfect eye witness to your every event.

#8 On any given Saturday night, instead of taking
you out to dinner; he'll be taking his mom a craft mall. There's always next week to take you out, his mom needs to go to the craft mall today! Even though he takes her every single week!

#9 Everytime you two go on vacation, you'll be
taking his mom with you. Imagine lying in your pink and black striped lounge chair, reading your favorite book or talking to your friends on your cell, while sitting next to his mom. Yes, she'll be right in between the two of you, have fun! Be sure to send me a postcard!

#10 They're pushovers.
Such a pushover in fact, that he will let his mother manipulate him and persuade him into just about anything, including possibly getting rid of you.

Just a little more about a mama boy

1) A grown male still dependent on his mother.
2) A grown male who allows or desires his mother to control most aspects or decisions of his life for him.

2) One who cannot make decessions for himself and has to have his mothers approval no matter right or wrong.

One who needs to hear from or see his mother on a daily basis and definately more then once.

One who will die at the same point and time his mother does because he simply cannot live without her and would be lost in his life as he does not have his mother directing him.

One who was born without a doctor present that did not cut the umbilical cord. Calls mother for the fifth time in ONE day..."mommieeee can you come and wipe my patootie? I forgot how"!

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