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Mary pass a way Feb, 27, 2009
as the age of 48

She will for ever be in my heart
and will be for ever miss

I consider you my friend,
Although we've never meet
You've managed to touch my
heart Through this thing
called a "The Net"

You've been there for me
When I've needed someone
How can I ever thank you
For all that you've done

When I've needed a shoulder
A prayer, a hug or an ear
You have been there for me
Like we've been friends for

I don't quite understand it
Us meeting as cyber-friends
But I feel God had a hand in it
In order for me to mend

I prefer not to use it
This term "cyber-friend"
I'll leave off the "cyber"
And just call you friend

I feel I must thank you
For showering me with love
My angels right here on earth
Sent from Heaven above

Into my life came a radiant hue,
Colors of friendship, and riches anew.
Your unselfish manner asking, "What can I do?"
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!
Your friendship I treasure--words simply can't say,
The warmth and affection your e-mails display.
Always wishing to give, and your words do ring true.
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!

We share many secrets as most "Friends" do.
We've suffered, survived; and, yes, made it thru.
Those difficult times, when most had no clue.
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you!

As the breeze gently blows thru fresh morning air,
I see you not, yet I know you are there.
*Smiles* that glisten as fresh morning dew,
I'm glad I've touched keyboards with you.

You've painted my world, and Oh what a 'View.'
Sweet pale pinks, fresh greens, and gentle blue.
When my day is finished, and I bid adieu,
I thank God I've touched keyboards with you.

This Page was made for my dear
and loving friend Mary Hudson

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