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Memories On The Wall

Memories On The Wall

All the precious memories that we will
always hold dear to are hearts

Personal letters and historical photos left
behind at the Vietnam Memorial are showcased
in the Secretary of State’s Office to recognize
Memorial Day.

“This is an important part of our state’s
history,” notes Secretary of State Sam Reed.
“It is truly from the heart and personalizes
the loss each family has felt from the war
in Vietnam.”

The items include personal cards, photographs,
flags, and medals--- left behind by loved ones
at the Vietnam Memorial on our state capitol
campus. Eventually, they’ll be placed in a
permanent collection at the state’s Division
of Archives for safekeeping.

“This is an important window on Washington’s
role during the Vietnam War,” noted Dave
Hastings, State Archivist. “Each item is
carefully packed and remains a perpetual
part of our state’s history for people
generations from now to view.”

Reed notes, “These items, and their permanent
storage in archives, in part ensures that the
memories and service of those who served in
Vietnam will stay alive. Each item, be it a
ribbon, flag or hat came from a family that
lost a loved one and has reached out through
their loss to connect with that loved one and
their sacrifice. It is a humbling experience
to see these items. We owe it to these honored
dead to keep all of this for future generations.”

The display is open to the public during
business hours Monday through Friday from
May 22 – June 7th 2001 and from Noon to
4:00 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 28,

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Precious Memories