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My Night In Shining Armour

I’d be locked in a tower or hidden underground.
The dragon would keep me hostage, while the
vampire would keep me bound.

Then the knight in shining armor on his gallant
white horse. He would use his sword and take me
by force.

I’d think of the adventures we’d have, of the
love we might share the happiness between us,
the wonderfully sweet care.

This knight never had a face never had a name.
He was always fuzzy. It was always the same.

Then on that cold moon-lit night, you fell
from the sky. Wondering what was next, you
ventured into my eye. That night while thinking,
I noticed something new. The picture was clear,
my knight in shining armor was you!

The adventure better then I had imagined
them to be, the love much stronger.

The wonderfully sweet caring greater, the
happiness lasting much longer I’ve realized
now that you are my one, my knight in shining

And that, my love, can never be undone.

My Knight:
I thank you for slaying dragons, for all your
tenderness after a hard and long, fought
battles and long days in the battlefield, I
know you will be perseverance in making our
home safe and Godly.

I know with the two of us together and Jesus
as our guide, nothing will be impossible for
the many years ahead.

Love eternally yours,

Your sweet Lady.

My Night In Shining Armour

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music on this page is for
entertainment puposes only
Thank you

Your love been a long time coming
