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New Years Money


(Why It Can Frustrate You,
and Cause You Grief!)

It can buy a HOUSE, but not a HOME.

It can buy you a BED, but not SLEEP

It can buy you a CLOCK, but not TIME.

It can buy you a BOOK, but not KNOWLEDGE.

It can buy you a POSITION, but not RESPECT.

It can buy you MEDICINE, but not HEALTH.

It can buy you SEX, but not LOVE.

So you see money isn't everything.

I tell you all this because I am your friend -
And as your friend I want to take away
your pain and suffering...

So for this New years

send me all your money
and I will suffer for you.


A truer friend than me you will never find!

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are (copyrighted)others or myself
Please do not use any of the poems,
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