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Pope John Paul ll

Pope John Paul II
May 18, 1920 -- April 2, 2005
Age 84

Be still, my soul, be still!

what you are going through is God's will.

You are in His hands and under His care,

so be still, my soul, be still!

Hush, oh my heart, just hush!

for there is no reason to rush.

Just follow His will, belong to Him still,

and hush, dear heart, just hush!

Forget it, my mind, forget it!

your old ways can never be fit.

For you now live His way, remember this pray,

Must forget it, old ways -- forget it!

Obey, now my body, obey!

see you can't rule me now away.

For Jesus is Lord, oh lips speak His word,

and obey, now my body, obey!

Be giving, now whole self, be giving!

to Jesus who Lords over the living.

With Him you have died, in Him cricified,

Be giving, now whole self, be giving!

Pope John Paul ll

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