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Satan Is Real

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Satan Is Real

Unsaved people live in the Kingdom of Darkness. It's
as simple as this, if we are serving sin, we are serving
Satan. Our appetites are unclean. We desire pig food.
Consider what we crave. Think of the contents of the
average soap opera or prime time television show—
adultery, jealously, lust, fornication, rape, gossip, and
greed. Or the average movie today with its violence,
filthy language, explicit sex, and graphic murder.

Look at the covers of magazines in bookstores and
supermarkets. They are “soft-core” pornography,
which a few years ago was considered hard-core
and hidden from young eyes. Think of video games
that kids crave--many are extremely violent and
sexually perverted. Think of some rock music,
with its explicit sexuality, its blasph, and its
dark Satanic side. Consider the Internet's multi-
billion dollar hard-core porn industry, or how the
average person uses filthy words and blasphemy
in everyday speech. Life in the dirty pigsty is normal,
natural, and completely acceptable.

Yes, Satan is the god of this world, and he
has deceived millions.

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Music: satan is real

By: Louvin Brothers