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Someone Care for you

Someone care for you

Regardless of what shape you are in
You are worth everything in the eyes
of God, who love you and his love will
never diminish.

People may see you crumple in their eyes,
they may see you down and out, and feel
you dirty and in need of a bath, some may
grind you under their shoe.

Still you are worth everything to God.

So many times we are dropped, crumpled
and ground to the dirt and feel worthless
but no matter what happened or what will
happen you will never lose your value in
God eyes.

Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely crushed
you are still so very priceless to God.

The worth of your life come not from what
you do or who you know but who you are and
where you stand in God eyes.

you are God special child and don't
ever forget it.

If you are searching for someone who cares
you don't have to look far he only
a pray a way.

Jesus is just a prayer a way.

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Please Note
All of the poems and graphics
on my pages are (copyrighted)
others or myself Please do not
use any of the poems , music
or graphics without
(written permission.)

Thank you

Music By

Rusty Goodman