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God's Gift

One day when God felt generous,
He looked down at me and smiled,
"Since I feel so magnanimous, I'd
like to give you something, child."

He asked me what I wanted,
I said, "Oh, really nothing more,
You've done so much already."
He said, "That's what God is for."

"You have been pretty good," He
said, I know there's not much that
you seek, I will pick a little something,
Just to make your life complete."

With great anticipation,
I looked forward to my gift,
I wondered what God had in mind,
That would give me such a lift.

"This gift,"
God said, "You realize,
Bears some responsibility,
So, if you accept my present,
You must be willing to agree...

"To offer unconditionally,
A section or a part,
Of more than half of you,
The larger portion of your heart."

"Okay, God," I answered,
"Since in You, I always trust,
I'll meet your obligation,
In the manner that I must."

To myself, I thought, wow, what a gift,
For so much of me, God's asked,
Now what could be so valuable,
That my share was more than half?

With both hands I sought my gift,
I still did not have a clue,
Then God put your hand in mine,
And said His gift to me was


My dear and loving friend this page is for you.

Thank you for visiting my site
Please Note
All poems and graphics (copyrighted)
Please do not use any of the poems,
music or graphics without on any of
my pages (written permission.) music
on this page is for entertainment
puposes only
Thank you

you raise me up

Josh Groban