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The Repture

It’s so mysterious that we study it.

Yet, so close it scares us at what we know.
Moving every so slowly, yet so quickly;
The end is upon us and is beginning to show.

All things are coming to past as He said,
As each day moves along in its’ wake.
We find it’s so easy to forget and put behind us
When yet, it’s the future and you are at stake.

It will rend the world in its revelations,
Striking fast as in the blinking of an eye.
Leaving no time to know sorrow or death.
Just obscurity, listlessness, and a Beastly lie.

Why then, we who know God’s details
Not try to save the world from the harkened doom?
Are we so deaf that no one hears the fate?
The world continues; we pick up where it resumes.

Lest, we be considered a fanatic on the subject;
Christian silence finds its bliss and settles in.
We awake to find our new day all planned;
Wanting nothing to interrupt its scheduled sin.

What IF Jesus come back today Or what about
tonight while your sleeping would you be ready?

Are you ready?
Jesus is coming sooner than people think

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Get Ready For The Rapture

By :
The Nelons