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The Last Breath


He breathed his last today,
Much to his surprise.
He hadn't planned to die so soon,
But there his body lies.

He'd made so many lofty plans,
With so much left to do.
But death has caught him unaware;
Will it be the same for you?

He learned it makes no difference
Who we are, or what we own.
And, though our friends are many,
We each face death alone.

He thought he'd have more time.
He hadn't planned to die.
He hadn't made his peace with God;
But fell for Satan's lie.

Sadly, it's too late for him,
For today he breathes no more.
But you can learn from his mistake
And get right with the Lord.

You may not have another chance,
This breath may be your last.
Jesus can save your soul from hell,
If you plan ahead and ask.

Whereas you do not know what will
happen tomorrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapor that appears
for a little time and then vanishes away.
(James 4:14)

The picture you are looking at below,
is one of many taken by a professional
police photographer.

After developing the pictures he had
taken, the officer found what looked
like some type of figure in one shot.

Thinking it was a problem with his
camera or film, he performed tests
on both.

They both checked out perfectly!
Take a look at this!

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Some where in time