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This page was created for my
loving daughter Diana

To My Daughter

My Dearest Daughter

You are a precious soul.
I want you to always remember
how dear you are.
For you are so very special
you are my dearest treasure.

Never forget you have been
sent to this earth to share all
you have to love your family and
your neighbor the stranger walking by.

They all need you as much as you
need them. For each of you can help
each other make it through lifes paths.

The gifts that been given to you is
your talents, your strengths your
compassion and your love...
Share them with all you know

You are my wonderful daughter,
a blessing to many;
I know your heart and your mind
you have so much to offer.

Give the gift of yourself and your
blessing will grow even stronger.

You are my pride and joy ( My Heart )

You’re more than I had hoped for;
You’re a sweet reward to me.

You grew up to be a my blessing
Full of wisdom, warmth and love,
You have grown to be a good role model,
Your my blessing from God.

I couldn’t be any prouder than
I am today of you;
You’re my daughter and my best friend,
And a wonderful person too so many
people who know you.

You have my love forever;
I've adored you from the start;
It’s a privilege to be your mother,

Dear daughter of my heart.

This page was created for my
loving daughter Diana

Thank you for visiting my site
Please Note
All poems and graphics on my
pages are (copyrighted)others
or myself Please do not use any
of the poems, music or graphics
without (written permission.)
music on this page is for
entertainment puposes only
Thank you

Elmo Song

By Elmo