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The Bible does not tell us the thieves'
names. It just says that there were
two of them, and that they were on
both sides of Jesus.

The supposed names of these thieves
appear in a book other than the Bible.
This book, called the Gospel
of Nicodemus, says their names
were Dimas (the one on Jesus' right)
and Gestas (the one on Jesus' left).
It also says that Jesus talked to
Dimas. The Gospel of
Nicodemus is not inspired like the
books of the Bible, so we can't be
sure if these were their real names,
or if they were just made up.

In any case, their names really
aren't important, or the Bible
would have recorded them. But
it is important that Jesus forgave
the thief when He changed. That
shows how wonderful God's love is.

I say to you, today you will be
with me in paradise"

(Lk: 23 : 43)

Who was the thieves on the cross

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