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Please Let Music
With Deepest Sympathy Sept,11,2001

Sept , 11 , 2001

On Behalf of my family , Everyone
in Walk Chat Chatroom , Everyone
from Letters From The Heart and
Prayers In The Night Mailing List
we all would like to give our
deepest sympathy

In memory of all those who perished;
The Passengers, Pilots on the United
and American flights, and Coworkers
the workers in the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, Firefrighter, Police Officer,
and all the ones who was killed on the streets.

Our prayers go out to the families and friends
of the ones who are missing and deceased.

Memories Keep Those We Love
Close To Us Forever

Although words seem to say so little,
I hope they in some small way
to ease the sense of loss
that you're experiencing today.

Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments
of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.

They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that you shared and spent together,
and they keep the one you loved
close to you in spirit and thought.

The special moments
and memories in your life
will never change.
They will always be in your heart,
today and forevermore.

Again our deepest sympathy to you
and your love ones

Love Sweetspirit
and family

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All of the poems and graphics
on all my pages are (copyrighted)
Please do not take any of the poems ,
music or graphics without
(written permission.)

Thank you

Precious Memories

Walt Mills